Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Realities Run Against the Claim

Violent situations in many parts of the country have put more limitations on Afghan people's freedom of movement. The ability and liberty to travel, reside in and work in any parts of the country is a human rights concept and is universal but in Afghanistan the security situation has deteriorated and brought about a lot of restrictions to it. For instance, people do not feel secure to travel from Kabul to Ghazni because of the worsening situation of security along the way, particularly in Maidan Wardak province, which lies very proximate to Kabul, the capital.

Due to the recent high profile attacks in Kabul, even people do not feel secure when travelling around the city. Kandahar, Ghazni, Helmand and many other provinces are also going through a surge in terrorist activities.

Taliban militants have been able to kill some high security and non-security officials in the north, south and the capital after they announced their spring offensive and vowed to continue the battle until the country is freed from international forces and what they call as puppet government led by president Karzai. The success in these unfortunate murderous attacks shows that the militants have the ability to strike and kill in the way they will and want.

This also demonstrated weaknesses on the part of the government and international forces as they could not pool together and mobilize their resources and forces to prevent these assaults. In fact, the government not only could not stop these terrorist acts, but also was embarrassed by the fact the militants were able to enter into the Ministry of Defense, the nerve of the government, and get into the Intercontinental Hotel in the capital.

These high profile and target killings have had a bit of psychological impacts on the overall mood of Afghan people as well, particularly given the fact that international forces have begun to draw down from the country. But on Monday, August 15, Gen.

Carsten Jacobson, an ISAF spokesman said that as a result of increased pressure by the alliance forces on the militants, their networks have been dismantled and their attacks have decreased as compared to the first six months of last year. He claimed a 20 percent decrease. But travelling around the provinces and a glimpse at the ground realities can display a different picture that has to be changed. It is hoped that ISAF claim will come true at least in the months ahead!