Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

International Day against Nuclear Test

Tomorrow, i.e. 29th August is going to be observed as International Day against Nuclear Test. The day was first declared on December 02, 2009, in the 64th session of the United Nations General Assembly when it unanimously adopted a resolution that called for increasing awareness and education “about the effects of nuclear weapon test explosions or any other nuclear explosions and the need for their cessation as one of the means of achieving the goal of a nuclear-weapon-free world.” The resolution was initiated by the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with a large number of sponsors and cosponsors with a view to commemorate the closure of the Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test site on August  29, 1991.
The Day is meant to galvanize the United Nations, Member States, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, academic institutions, youth networks and the media to inform, educate and advocate the necessity of banning nuclear weapon tests as a valuable step towards achieving a safer world.
A closer look at our world would depicts that today’s men, in the struggle for their survival, have gone to every possible extreme. They, both individually and in the form of some groups, have proved the Darwin's Theory of "Struggle for survival and survival of the fittest" correct in human society as well. There have been clashes and wars among human beings for the sake of the same survival. These clashes and wars have given rise to the invention and proliferation of different sorts of weapons. These weapons, highly modernized because of the development in science and technology, can prove fatal to thousands of people upon their use. This has already been proved by the nuclear weapons used in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945. Though there have been considerable efforts since the incident regarding the non-proliferation movement, the world is still threatened by the uncontrollable strength of nuclear energy.
The research for the development of nuclear weapons basically started in World War II when the then powerful nations of the world turned violent in order to subjugate each other. The countries like the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, Japan and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republic all were in competition with each other to design a way to turn nuclear energy for use in evil intentions. But the only country that used it for the first time was the United States. Afterwards, USSR tested its nuclear weapon in 1949, the United Kingdom in 1952, France in 1960, People's Republic of China in 1964, India in 1974, Pakistan in 1988 and North Korea in 2006.
There are some other countries as well, which though have not gone for nuclear tests, are believed to have acquired the capability. Though the people around the world seem to have realized the extent of its destruction, they are yet to exclude the world from the possibility of a nuclear war. Today all the major countries in the world and the United Nations Organization have been striving for some sort of Nuclear Non-proliferation.
This is more directed towards the states which are not yet recognized as "Nuclear Weapon States" by the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT). This is basically considered to be discriminatory as the countries are divided into "Nuclear Weapon States" and "Non-nuclear Weapon States". The countries that acquired the nuclear weapons prior to 1968 are considered as the "Nuclear Weapon States" and are above any sort of sanctions, while the other countries (Non-nuclear Weapon States) which may strive to acquire, must go through sever scrutiny by those states.
The basic question at this instant is, "Why are the other countries not allowed to have nuclear weapons, as they are threatened by the nuclear power of the 'Nuclear Weapon States'?" There can be a comprehensive discussion on the matter and there can be different answers but the only idea that stands true is that the nuclear weapon in possession of any country can be a threat to the world. Though at present there are about 189 countries that have signed the NPT, its credibility is yet to be verified considerably.
This fact should not be forgotten that the arrangements mentioned above have not been able to solve the serious issues of nuclear weapons, among which the issues with Iran and North Korea are of utmost importance. Proper care should be taken in this regard and the issues should be solved through diplomatic prudence, not the blunder of war.
Definitely, nuclear weapons because of their capacity of mass destruction are a serious threat to mankind. No guarantee of secure existence can be established with the inclination of the countries towards the growth and development of this evil. But the arrangement for this purpose has to be made on strong and just footings. They should never be inclined towards the objectives of few powerful states of the world; otherwise they will be doomed to failure. Moreover, the overall tone of the today’s politics must change – it must be based on the peace not war and struggle for military might.