Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Afghanistan - Common Home for All

Afghanistan was the home of Taliban alone while they practiced the worst forms of violence. Today if they consider Afghanistan a common home for all, it is not more than a jolly joke.

The holy month of Ramadan – bloodier this year for Afghans - and Eid-ul-Fitr are over. Ramadan and Eid hold significant importance for the Muslim world, especially for Afghanistan where more than 99 percent of population is formed by Muslims. Throughout Ramadan and on Eid days, Afghans prayed for peace and solidarity in Afghanistan.

Not only that, they have kept praying for peace in the last 32 years but peace is never coming. The promises and claims of different political parties involved in Afghanistan and international community have lost their colors as promises have remained promises only and have not been given any practical shape. Although peace has been caught in net of uncertainty, Afghans have not given up hoping for a peaceful tomorrow.

Taliban were defeated in 2001. They were under-estimated at that time. Here is where the mistake was made. Taliban has turned into a powerful enemy of peace and democratic gains of Afghanistan compelling our government and its international backers to think of sharing government with Taliban.

What the Taliban want are clearly mentioned in the Eid message by Mullah Omar. There have been lots of discussions about Mullah Omar saying that he wants to bring peace in Afghanistan by every eligible mean. Not discussing that here because to Taliban suicide bombing and all other acts of insurgency are eligible means.

An important point in the message of Mullah Omar was, "Afghanistan is the common home for all ethnic groups and all have equal share and rights in all affairs of the country." It seems like the ups and downs of the last 15 years, have taught the Mullah some diplomacy.

He has started marketing and putting effort to involve more people in his group. But not now, such opinions are affecting Afghans. Talks of solidarity and unity among the ethnic groups of Afghanistan do not suit the personality of Omar.

During Taliban, the religious and ethnic minorities of Afghanistan were the ones who suffered the most human and property losses. Then Afghanistan was the home of only Taliban who practiced the worst forms of violence. Today if they consider Afghanistan a common home for all, it is not more than a jolly joke.