Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Our Security, Economic and Political Issues

The security of a nation is a vital element to ensure its viability and survival as well as it is essential for securing an environment which will facilitate the process of national growth. Moreover, the concept of national security in itself deserves a continuing debate to determine its elements which include democracy, good governance, psycho-social and economic aspects besides the obvious imperative of defense.
Afghanistan, for a long time, has been facing serious problems of both, internal and external security. However, lately the internal security has assumed threatening postures. Given the significant geo-political space in which it operates and being somewhat handicapped because of the domestic peculiarities and serving as a buffer state between the world powers, Afghanistan’ security quest is almost unending. Unfortunately, with the rise in challenges of insecurity, the country has had to face economic hardships and political instability as well. And, the interplay among the different issues within all these sectors have multiplied the sufferings that the people of Afghanistan have been facing. 
A strong and viable democratic, political and economic system is essential to sustain any nation. In case of Afghanistan this element of national power has been quite weak. Emergence of frequent autocratic regimes further debilitated the important national institutions and retarded their growth. The situation was further aggravated due to unholy alliance among the feudal, religious leaders, politicians and business elite. At this stage in Afghanistan's life there is an urgent need to ponder and find ways and means for developing a genuine democratic process leading to political stability, good governance and economic development. 
Unfortunately, Afghanistan’s political system remains inadequately institutionalized and highly personalized. The country has alternated between long periods of clashes and wars and unstable governments controlled by small elite of landed and tribal and religious leaders.
Our political system, in fact, is confronted by direct action, endemic violence and powerful primordial loyalties that have come to dominate all political and economic disputes. Democracy has not been able to institutionalized and kept on revolving around the individuals. The legislature and executive have not been able to complete their promises and duties of strengthening themselves and the overall democratic system.
Meanwhile, the elections have been dominated by fraud and corruption. Imperative electoral reforms that could support in strengthening the democratic system have not been taken into consideration and therefore the systems of elections for both the president and the parliament have not been able to offer much. Currently, the doubts about the parliamentary elections and the election reforms have further raised doubts about the system.
In addition, the ambiguity regarding the role of the President and Chief Executive has persisted and the evolution in their authorities and responsibilities that were to take place simultaneously has been forgotten. This has raised doubts and uncertainties about the nature of the political system that the country would have. 
On the other hand we have forgotten that we are living in an age of economic competitiveness. In fact all elements of national power in present times are being directed towards achievement of economic objectives. The economic aspects are crucial especially for Afghanistan as a majority of our people are living below the poverty line and suffering various deprivations. Without improving the quality of the lives of our people we cannot emerge as a nation with honor and dignity.
Fortunately, we are endowed with sufficient bounties of nature to be self-sustained in the fields of basic necessities of life. The dire need is to harness our human and other natural resources and ensure that the benefits are equitably shared by all the people. The impediments to our economic growth need to be examined and overcome through innovative strategies. We need to understand that with spectacular progress in the field of science and technology, the whole world has shrunk into a global village. It is considered that economic development is the only secure foundation for domestic, regional and global peace and security.

It is also true that origins of conflicts lie deep in socio-economic deprivations, disparities, denial of human rights and true participatory democracy. The prerequisites of a modern civil society are the establishment of the viable democratic institutions, participatory democracy up to the grass-root level leading to good governance. Only then a stable and responsive social order can be established ensuring peace, stability and economic development. This, in turn would serve as a means to channel political energy and help in creating a conducive environment for healthy cross fertilization of cultural values between our multi-ethnic society. These changes can only be brought about by the collective will and support of the people at large. Hence it is imperative that our political leadership, economic guardians and our intellectuals embark upon a strategy of compassion and cooperation with all the communities living in Afghanistan so that the quality of the lives of our people could improve and a sense of dignity, purpose and commitment infused in the society.