Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Insecurity Haunts Afghanistan Persistently

It is really unfortunate for Afghanistan that even after so many sacrifices that are given by the country, the prospects of peace and tranquility are not very optimistic. The insecurity seems to be on the rise in different parts of the country and the response of the government authorities are not truly effective. It seems the government authorities do not have any clear idea about how to tackle the situation and help the country go through this crucial period with triumph.
Taliban and Daesh have spread their networks in different provinces and everyday show their presence in some way or the other. Sometimes they target the innocent civilians and at others they target the security personnel. Afghan security forces, on most of the occasions, take actions only after such incidents and calm down the situation temporarily. When the situation seems to be normalized, the insurgents again move forward and make their attacks. In fact, the security forces do not seem to have a proactive approach, which may be because of lack of any clear strategy in the top rankings of the government officials, who, themselves, are involved in their own differences instead of standing united to counter the growing threats of Taliban and Daesh.
If the authorities do not get really serious and determined to solve the security issues, it may start haunting Afghanistan to a great extent and may even undo the achievements that have been acquired in the last 13 years or so. The insurgents will keep on carrying out their activities and terrorize the people of Afghanistan like they are doing now. An example was experienced yesterday in Kabul, when a twin-bombings carried out by Taliban killed about 30 people and wounded more than 78 others. The coordinated attack was carried out on Darulaman Road near parliament as a convoy of parliament staff was leaving the office. Some reports said that among the victims was the head of the National Directorate of Security (NDS) zone in the PD7 area who was reportedly killed while a female MP from Herat was among the wounded. The Taliban claimed responsibility for the attack soon after the incident. 
It is not the first time that Taliban have been able to hit high profile target in Kabul city but every time the same question resounds in the atmosphere that how the insurgents could carry out such coordinated attacks at the heart of Capital where there are different security check-points. Again in the attack a vehicle was used that was full of explosive material. It is again a question that how the insurgents can transport such vehicles under the nose of the security forces. Definitely, these are the questions that the government authorities must ponder upon and then carry out necessary measures so that such incidents can be avoided from happening again.
It was not only Kabul that echoed with the noise of the bomb blasts and ambulances, Lashkargah city of Helmand experienced a sad day as well. Seven people lost their lives after a suicide bomber detonated his explosive outside the NDS office in PD2.  According to the provincial police chief Aqa Noor Kentoz the incident took place at about mid-day in the provincial capital. Kentoz said the explosion took place while a meeting was underway at the NDS office between security officials and insurgents who wanted to join the peace process. He said some of the peace-seeking insurgents were among the dead.
This shows that the insurgents are not even inclined towards peace process and those among them who wish to join any sort of peace process would be abhorred by others. This also points towards the existence of different factions within the rank of insurgents that may make the peace process even more difficult. Even on the larger scale these factions exist in some form or the other and the facts show that they mostly have differing ideas. If there is a peace process that is carried out between the Afghan government and the Taliban, it would be very difficult to conclude that the Taliban representatives would represent all the factions and the peace talks would, thus, result in peace and tranquility. For true peace it is vital that the representatives of Taliban should be true representatives so that they are able to make their followers follow the points that might be agreed upon; otherwise, peace negotiations and agreements would be nothing more than a waste of time.

However, before any hopes of peace process can be turned into reality, the security forces and government authorities must make sure that they fulfill their responsibilities with determination and untiring efforts. Definitely, Afghan forces have given many sacrifices and after so many sacrifices it is important that Afghanistan should see a future full of peace and tranquility; however, for that to happen it is imperative that Afghan leadership must prove itself capable of designing and following a workable strategy to counter terrorism in true sense.