Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Talk about New Phase

Finally, the talk about the establishment of the U.S. permanent military base in Afghanistan became open. On Monday, April 11, 2011, President Hamid Karzai said that his government would convene the traditional Loya Jirga within two or three months to decide on an agreement with the U.S. about the two countries’ strategic relations. Talking at a press conference, the president said, “The government is investigating the draft and the issue has also been discussed in a meeting of National Security Council. We have put our many conditions forward to them and we have tied up their hands and feet. One of the important conditions was bringing peace and stability in Afghanistan. Conditions regarding US assistances, flawed operations and others which prevent Afghan government to strengthen and legalizing foreign forces’ presence are mentioned in the draft sent to US officials.” Afghanistan and USA agreed on October 05, 2010 to prepare a draft regarding a long-term strategic cooperation between the two countries. Two strategic agreements on governance and security were signed in 2005 and 2008 between the two countries. The war against terrorists and insurgents has lasted for a decade. People both in Afghanistan and troops-contributing countries have become tired of this lingering war. But in the meanwhile they do not want to see the Taliban return in Afghanistan, who had turned it into a heaven for terrorists before they were toppled in a U.S.-led intervention in late 2001. The Taliban militants and other insurgent groups continue to receive support by foreign elements and agencies in the region. There has to be a way out of the current security situation. Observers and analysts are of the view that the establishment of a permanent military base by the U.S. will be serving as a support for Afghan security forces that begin to take over security responsibility this July. It is also believed that the U.S. military base and a long term strategic relation with the U.S. will serve as a bulwark against foreign interferences, which have always caused problems for Afghanistan. But there should be a broad consultation to reach a national consensus to ensure the interest of the nation not a government or some individuals.