Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Kabul, a Theater of Suicide Assaults

Kabul has now turned into a major and interesting theater of suicide attacks and well-coordinated assaults for the terrorists and Taliban insurgents that attempt to create a role for themselves in controlling the country in the future. It is also a place of extreme fear for Kabul residents. It is now a place of uncertainty for Kabuli schoolchildren, shopkeepers, shoppers, workers and those working with the government and non-government organizations and agencies.

The Taliban militants have been able to carry out some suicide assaults deep into the heart of the country. They were able to target the Ministry of Defense in April of this year. Following this brazen assault, they also raided Intercontinental hotel frequented by foreign guests and high official people.

The Taliban operatives killed president Karzai's advisor for tribal affairs and an MP in Kabul this year. About six terrorists and suicide attackers once again terrified Kabul people on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.

They exploded bombs in several places in the capital and controlled a building under the construction to overlook and attack the US embassy and ISAF headquarters. The shocking terrorist act came two days after the tenth anniversary of 9/11.

On the occasion of 9/11, NATO officials in Afghanistan said that the coalition was winning the war against the Taliban and other insurgent groups. But the militants wanted to reject this statement practically and by symbolically attacking the US embassy and foreign forces' headquarters.

Tuesday's attacks inflicted casualties mainly on Afghan security forces and people. By launching these types of attacks, Taliban and other insurgent outfits further alienate Afghan people but unfortunately Afghan government and president Karzai compensate for this by calling them his "unhappy brothers."

If president Karzai stops calling the heartless terrorists as his brothers, they will be easily repudiated and ostracized by Afghan people. This is because Afghan people do not want a militant and violent Islam. They do not want to sympathize with a callous movement as well.

Afghans do not want to be associated with those who serve their foreign bosses and intelligence services. In fact, Taliban's constant and continued violence precipitates their marginalization but it is the government and the president that prevent such a thing to happen. In the meanwhile, NATO forces must come to this conclusion and decision to hit the militants before they are hit by the militants.