Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Terrorists Hit Hard

The security situation in Afghanistan has been put to further scrutiny after the incident in the capital - Kabul on 13th September, 2011 that has resulted in the death of about 14 people and has wounded many others. The incidents took place in the heart of Kabul city and laid open the promises of the security forces and Afghan government regarding their capacity to guarantee security to the country.

The places that are affected as the result of the assault are considered as the most important places in city and include the US embassy and the NATO head quarter. The attackers reached to the area fully loaded with heavy weapons and after bombing took control of a building under construction from where they started firing towards the US embassy and NATO head quarter that happen to be few hundred meters away.

They did not only fire with guns but had RPG's and even fired mortars, apart from carrying grenades and explosives. They were able to fight with the Afghan and foreign security forces for almost 19 hours and carried out about four assaults in different parts of the city simultaneously.

Haqqani network has been considered responsible for the attacks. This network is considered as the most violent and potent terrorist network in the country. Haqqani network is considered to have its base and central control in the tribal areas of Pakistan that border Afghanistan.

Whenever, there are incidents from this particular network, there is emphasis on Pakistan that it should carry out necessary action against terrorist networks in its tribal areas. It is important that Pakistan should carry on such actions but there are many other important questions, related to our own responsibilities, to answer.

How could the terrorists penetrate through the security arrangements? How could they reach to the center of the capital city unchecked with so much explosive and heavy weaponry?

How long could it take the Afghan forces to clear the area of the terrorists, had they been not supported by the foreign troops? Isn't it a big failure on the part of our security forces and raise many questions about their capacity to shoulder the responsibility of the country on their own? These questions are really serious and can not be solved simply by saying that the attacks were planned out side the country.

If the attacks were planned out side the country, they were carried out under the nose of the Afghan security forces, in the bright day light and the most important part of the capital city.

Definitely, Afghan government and security forces with their foreign allies have to deal with the worsening situation of security in the city, before it is too late.