Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Kabul Bleeds Again

A blast near Dahbori, in PD-3, Kabul, took the lives of 36 civilians and injured more than 40 others. The blast took place around 6:45 am, and it reportedly targeted a bus carrying employees of the Ministry of Mines and Petroleum. Some reporters also claimed that the suicide bomber wanted to target Mohammad Mohaqiq, second deputy for CEO Abdullah Abdullah, whose house is near to the site where the bombing was carried out. However, there are no clear reports about who was the main target of the bombing.
The blast is another addition in the series of bombings that have been taking place in the capital, Kabul, in the last few months. It is the largest attack in Kabul, after the notorious truck bombing near Zanbaq Square that took the lives of more than 100 people and injured more than 400 others, and the tragedies that followed the incident. And, only few weeks earlier, another bombing had been carried out within few kilometers from Monday’s bombing site. That attack had targeted the Al-Zahra Mosque, situated in Dasht-e-Barchi and resulted in the death of 10 people including the famous businessman, Ramzan Hussainzada.
It is imperative to comprehend that the nature of terrorism and insurgency is now turning into a complex and complicated phenomenon in Afghanistan. The security situation is deteriorating again and the prospects of peace and tranquility are not very clear. Earlier, it was only Taliban who posed a serious threat to the country but now Afghanistan is facing Daesh as well, which seems to be getting stronger with each passing day. Previously, there were claims that the growth of Daesh in Afghanistan will be controlled but the situation now clearly depicts that the claims were not far away from reality.
The growth of Daesh has mounted double challenge for Afghan government and the security forces. There are already doubts and questions about the performance of Afghan security forces against the growing threats of Taliban in different parts of the country, the rise of Daesh has put their capabilities in further test. Daesh has had a history of ruthless massacre and tyranny in Middle East and it largely differs from Taliban the way its militants operate. There have already been certain incidents wherein they have shown inhumane tyranny against innocent civilians and some security forces.
Daesh is believed to be in highly offensive in different parts of the country. According to many reports, the group is operating in different parts of Badakhshan, Kunduz, Farah, Faryab, Logar and also in the eastern regions, especially in Nangarhar. Daesh has shown its true face in Iraq and Syria and has shown to the world the extent of its barbarism. The group needs to be observed properly in Afghanistan; otherwise, it would be really difficult to control it in insecure circumstances.
Another major factor that is supporting the growth of Daesh is that many ex-Taliban militants have joined it, and they are now fighting under its flag. Moreover, the week security mechanism to have a check on its growth has further deteriorated the situation.
It is really unfortunate for Afghanistan that even after so many sacrifices that are given by the country, the prospects of peace and tranquility are not very optimistic. The insecurity seems to be on the rise in different parts of the country and the response of the relevant authorities are not truly effective. It seems the authorities do not have any clear idea about how to tackle the situation and help the country go through this crucial period with triumph, and now the people are being distracted as well, which is making the task even more challenging. 
On the other hand, Taliban and Daesh have spread their networks in different provinces and everyday show their presence in some way or the other. Sometimes they target the innocent civilians and at others they target the security personnel. Afghan security forces, on most of the occasions, take actions only after such incidents and calm down the situation temporarily. When the situation seems to be normalized, the insurgents again move forward and make their attacks. In fact, the security forces do not seem to have a proactive approach, which may be because of lack of any clear strategy in the top rankings of the government officials, who, themselves, are involved in their own differences instead of standing united to counter the growing threats of Taliban and Daesh.
If the authorities do not get really serious and determined to solve the security issues, it may start haunting Afghanistan to a great extent and may even undo the achievements that have been acquired in the last 15 years or so. The insurgents will keep on carrying out their activities and terrorize the people of Afghanistan like they are doing now. The current situation clearly highlights the fact that the insurgents are not even inclined towards peace process.
However, before any hopes of acquiring peace and tranquility can be turned into reality, the security forces and government authorities must make sure that they fulfill their responsibilities with determination and untiring efforts. Definitely, Afghan people have given many sacrifices and after so many sacrifices, it is important that Afghanistan should see a future full of peace and tranquility; however, for that to happen it is imperative that Afghan leadership must prove itself capable of designing and following a workable strategy to counter terrorism.