Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Immature Democratic Values

The tension between the Parliament and the government has been rising for the last few months. Especially after the decision of the Independent Election Commission (IEC) that resulted in the replacement of 9 MP's with new ones, the gap has further been widened. It has turned into a clash that is being intensified by the both the parties in the pursuit of their egoistic grandeur.

The matter is no more regarding the benefit of the nation as a whole rather it is turning into an unnecessary adventure. Most of the Wolesi Jirga members are of the view that the house has not been able to play its role because of undue interference of the government, which has proved to be a great hindrance.

This interference, in their view, has been to incapacitate the house so that it should not be able to challenge the authority of the government. The president, they emphasize, has never taken steps to make the house strong, rather he has, through Special Election Tribunal and IEC, made the house split into different factions.

Recently, a faction called as Law Enforcement Support Coalition (LESC), consisting of 104 members has been formed with the plea that the laws of the country should be safeguarded and the constitution should not be violated by the government or the President office and the independence of the parliament should be preserved above all the other concerns.

This particular faction is not ready to digest the decision of replacement of the 9 MP's by IEC and consider it anti-constitutional. On the other hand there is a reformist faction that seems to be more pro-government and seems very much optimistic about the matters of the state and the policies of the government.

Though it is not necessary that all the members of parliament should hold a single opinion and differences in thought are the real outcome of a democratic system, but the matter of concern is that the differences in thoughts are turning into clashes that are hampering the matters of the government at a time when the country is going through a very crucial period of its history.

The financial crisis and security problems are knocking at the door and the members of parliament are busy in unnecessary display of their egoistic grandeur.

The role of government in general and the president office in particular, regarding this issue has not been very satisfactory; rather it has been responsible for the rifts that have divided the parliament. The president office, in order to strengthen it autonomous authority, has always created such situations that have incapacitated the parliament.

However, government holds the view that it has never intended to introduce clashes in the parliament; rather it has been making sure that all the three organs of state must function in proper collaboration.

A representative of eastern Nangarhar province, Mr. Aryan Yoon, in this regard has even claimed, "There are groups in parliaments around the world, but when it comes to their national interests, they work unanimously. However, some parliamentary groups in Afghanistan are working against the national interests and are dependent on other countries."

Definitely, differences in thoughts are a real gift of democracy, but it is necessary that these differences in thoughts must be dealt with in accordance to the democratic values and our government, president office and the members of parliament are showing that they are not very much familiar with the mature democratic values and are in pursuit of their personal gains and the safeguard of their status and position in the society.