Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

No Easy Way to Achievements

Life is a continuous struggle. There are no easy earnings or achievements. In order to make an achievement in life it is necessary for an individual to have the urge and the iron will. Without having the urge and the motivation, achieving anything worthwhile would be really difficult. Motivation and iron will have enabled human beings to achieve even the impossibilities. There are myriads of examples in human history that show how human beings with their dedicated efforts have changed the course of history and made the historians wonder with astonishments. Same is true for a nation; unless a nation has the urge to do something positive it would be really difficult for society to make developments and improvements.
It is difficult to believe that water drops that are soft and liquid can make a hole in a stone, but with consistency and determination it is possible. Continuous flow of drops of water on a stone can, at last, pierce through the heart of the stone and make the impossible possible. Keeping the same example in consideration, the nations have to move and strive for the purposes that seem unachievable.
In the course of time, nations may come across difficult problems – the problems that may seem gigantic and impossible to be solved; the problems that may hamper progress and development. However, it is important that the nation should not panic and should be prepared to stand strong against them. Being subjugated by them would only result in frustration and sense of defeat.  
A nation keeps on moving with the pace of time unless it realizes that there are shortcomings in its way of living and there are problems that are needed to be concentrated upon and eliminated. In fact, the very first step in eradicating a problem is realizing that the problem does exist and it has to be solved. Considering a problem something very normal and making adjustments with it is a serious error and must be avoided in any case.
The people in Afghanistan are also having the attitude of making compromises with their social and political problems. They, instead of considering them a hurdle towards evolution of the society and designing efforts to overcome them, change themselves to go ahead with the problems untouched. For example, one of the most serious problems that Afghan society is facing today is corruption and the tragedy is that it is getting more threatening with each passing day. The Afghans must realize that this issue is generating disorder in almost all the spheres of life and there must be an urge to take measures to curb it. Unfortunately, the people strive to compensate with it and in the process further strengthen its roots.
The second step would be to stand strong against it and feel determined to take serious actions. Definitely, the problem of corruption seems deep-rooted and it now has the backing of many influential individuals as well; however, standing determined against it and challenging it are not impossible. It requires responsible attitude from all the members of the society. All the individuals must say ‘no’ to it and take steps to eradicate it, at least, from their own lives or from their own surroundings as much as possible. Though small steps by individuals may not seem sufficient in the short run, but it can do wonders in the long run as it is the drops that make oceans.  
It is believed that becoming part of an evil and not taking actions against it, in fact, means favoring the evil and supporting it to nurture further. Every person in our society just wants to live for his own personal benefit and would never concentrate on any problem that would affect society as a whole. He thinks that isolating himself from the problem would solve the issues but, as a matter of fact, it does not. It requires him to be courageous to take the challenge.

We need to realize that we have to play an active role in the society and that is only possible when we have the feeling that there is always room for improvement and the status quo needs to be changed. We cannot be like pigeons that close their eyes when they see the cat coming towards them. We cannot be a living nation, if we are ready to live with the problems that are destroying our society and our values. We can see them and are being influenced by their consequences; therefore, we must stand against them and strive to eradicate them. Allah almighty has given us the mind and the strength to be active members of the society and He will never change our destinations unless we ourselves strive for it. We, therefore, require being proactive and must fulfill the responsibility of a vigilant nation.