Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Orphan Reconciliation Process

In the echoes of the bombings and shootings of the US embassy and NATO headquar ters in Kabul Afghanistan, another echo has been added and that is of the suicide bomb that killed the ex-president of Afghanistan, head of High Peace Council (HPC) and reputable political figure – Professor Burhan ud din Rabbani. These echoes have shattered the dreams and arrangements of peace and tranquility into thousand pieces and have made the people of Afghanistan reconsider their hopes of a peaceful country.

With the demise of Burhan ud din Rabbani, the prospects of a reconciliation process ends, at least for some times in near future. The HPC has been orphaned and it would definitely tremble to stand firm for its commitments.

Although, the Council has not been able to make any considerable achievement in the peace talks with Taliban since its inception, but with the presence of Rabbani hopes were not shattered all together.

There are many important questions that have been raised after this incident and the most important among them are, "What is going to be the future of reconciliation with Taliban?"

With the death of the chief of the Peace Council, will it still be appropriate to have a lenient approach towards Taliban and strive for peace talks with them? If yes, who will lead such efforts and how can the vacuum created by the death of such a key figure be filled?

And if not, what are the available alternatives? Will the government opt for military solution to the problem? And can the military solution prove to be long lasting one?

How would the Western allies, in particular US deal with the situation? Would they keep on supporting peace efforts with Taliban or decide otherwise and would they continue the process of withdrawal of their forces with the same pace and complete it till the end of the promised time?

The death of Professor Burhan ud din Rabbani has not only given rise to wretchedness and questions but also a considerable degree of doubt and uncertainty.

The future of peace and tranquility in the country seems ambiguous and the political endeavors seem to be making no sense.

People have once again started believing that the solution to their problems lies in violence, not through political wisdom and that is a very negative tendency and can prove very much detrimental for the social psychology as a whole. Appropriate and hasty measures have to be taken in this regard before it is too late and the country once again falls prey to civil wars.