Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Social Isolation Must be Diminished

In today’s world where society has evolved and the patterns of human interactions have become complicated, it is difficult to find people who would opt for a way of living that may negate the social interactions and relations. However, such behaviors exist and, in modern world, where direct social interactions are becoming less frequent and the family seems to be disintegrating, the issues of social isolation seems to be on rise.    
Social isolation is often involuntary, where the people who suffer from social isolation are involved in it unconsciously. It basically gives rise to a behavior that is not motivated towards social gatherings and avoids or even shies away from them. Though people having social isolation have loneliness, it is not the same as loneliness, since loneliness can be for a short period of time; whereas, isolation can be for a longer period of time with a higher degree and intensity.
Social isolation is a matter of concern because it has the potential to give rise to many other social and psychological issues. The effects of isolation show themselves in different ways among different people. Some become so much frustrated that they may start activities that can harm them or even others. Criminal behavior and psychological problems are in many cases the result of social isolation. Therefore, it is a matter of concern for the society as a whole.
There can be different reasons of isolation. Especially, in modern world of ours where human beings have been largely mechanized, the feelings of seclusion and loneliness are very much common. The convenient use of modern technology has made human beings distant from each other – this is what most of the sociologists and psychologists believe. However, there are some who argue otherwise.
They believe that the use of internet and mobile phones actually bring human beings close together. With the advent of online social networking communities, there are increasing options to do social activities that do not require real-world physical interaction.
They believe that the social sites, chat rooms, message boards, and other types of communities are now meeting the need for those who would rather stay home but still manage social interaction through developing communities of online friends. But modern research suggests that the use of modern technology, for whatsoever purpose it is used, may make the users even more isolated or depressed.
Some of the other reasons of social isolation may include mental disabilities, living alone or grieving for the loss of a dear one. Some even suggest that these reasons may be the effects as well.
The effects of social isolation can be detrimental to a large extent. Continuous and recurring social isolation that may last for a long period of time can prove to be very much serious and may result into a chronic condition. The people suffering from such a condition have no one to turn to in personal emergencies, no one to divulge in during a crisis, and no one to measure their own behavior against or learn etiquette from — referred to sometimes as social control, but possibly best described as simply being able to see how other people behave and adapt oneself to that behavior.
Lack of consistent human contact can also cause conflict with the (peripheral) friends the socially-isolated person might occasionally talk to, or might cause interaction problems with family members. It may also give rise to uncomfortable thoughts and behaviors within the person, buoyed by the fact that there are no other humans around to tell the person whether those behaviors are "right or wrong".