Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Diligence is Never Defeat

Human beings are blessed with different sorts of potentials and capacities. However, all their potentials can go in vain if there are no true efforts to use them for appropriate purposes and goals. Nevertheless, the consistency in the efforts and the will to stand strong in front of the challenges and problems are more important than the greatness of the objectives. People desire great achievements; they wish for greatness and even set to acquire impossible gains; nevertheless, there are only few who are actually able to reach to their destinations. There are so many factors that can decide whether they reach to their destinations or not, but the role of iron will, determination and diligence is the most dominating one.
At the same time, it should also be kept in mind that there is no easy way to great achievements. People may be fooled by the stories of the heroes that can turn the hell to heaven within days, but within a social setting, determined by the social circumstance, human beings have to go through the hell to reach the heaven. They can be challenged under tough circumstance; they can lose trust and even be broken; however, not the ones who make efforts tirelessly. They may come up short at first and fall again subsequent to ascending for the second time, yet they can never surrender. Not surrendering implies that there is dependably an expectation and the ways to endowments are never shut.
An individual, with determination and iron will, needs to lose nothing. Regardless of whether he neglects to accomplish what he has set for, which appears to be exceptionally unrealistic, he loses nothing, as through the experience, he gains a significant endowment of persistence and diligence. Additionally, such a man is never unsettled as he has had confidence and expectation alive inside himself and he has procured the nature of keeping his spirits high and his determination undefeated. As a matter of fact, “the cost of accomplishment is diligent work, devotion to the current task, and the assurance that whether we win or lose, we have connected the best of ourselves to the job that needs to be done.”
You may have heard the tale of a man who was digging at a particular place looking for gold and in the wake of burrowing for some days and being just few inches far from an extensive chest of gold had surrendered. He had lost expectation and, in this manner, the open door and the reward. The reward is dependably for the individuals who sit tight for it and for the individuals who gain it. Indeed, what he had lost was not the gold but rather the assurance.
Lamentably, today the new age that is living in a quick-moving mechanical world, does not have the stamina for constancy. People in the modern world are dependably looking for alternate routes. They want to procure all the achievement and riches inside no time. They don't appear to have the demeanor to gain their prizes through untiring endeavors. That is the reason we see them lost in their creative abilities far from this present reality and more often than not we discover them engaged with such huge numbers of illicit and non-moral exercises to accomplish what they want in a limited capacity and in no time.
So as to accomplish their convenient objectives, they bring forth such a large number of other social shades of malice, which they don't appear to acknowledge as they are inebriated with the medication of their very own advantages. Such a demeanor has, in all actuality, maligned the social textures and the race for the accomplishments of individual objectives has picked up force, however, that has resulted in the defeat of ordinary social life.
People in our society resemble the individuals who used to have a hen that laid a brilliant egg each day. Yet, the individual was not sufficiently understanding to hold up and get one brilliant egg a day. In this manner, he concluded that he would butcher the hen and get all the brilliant eggs at once. Lamentably, when he butchered the hen and cut its stomach, he couldn't discover even a solitary egg.
In any case, it is additionally imperative that the steady and relentless endeavors must be guided towards the correct heading. There must be preparatory comprehension of what focus to pick and what heading to take after. Indiscriminately following a wrong way and seeking after a wrong focus with diligence would just mean wastage of hard work and even resources.
Given that the objective is appropriate and the course is legitimately picked, there is no uncertainty in the way that diligent work and untiring undertakings would empower a man to accomplish even the most troublesome focuses on the planet. Nothing is outlandish in this world. Firm assurance, it is stated, can move paradise and earth.