Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

Intolerance for Others Generates Extremism

Human beings are divided in various groups, cultures and ideologies. Their groups, cultures and ideologies are their identities in certain ways. It is natural to belong to a group or culture since human beings live in society and living in a society, they cannot avoid being in a social setting. Therefore, it is normal to be divided in cultures and societies, and if perceived positively, these divisions can ensure diversity and multi-culturalism. Within today’s globalized world when cultures have come closer to one another, accepting the diversity can result in peace and tranquility not only within an individual society but within the world as a whole.
However, to see the differences and division with a narrow-minded approach may result in extremism. Accepting one’s own self, one’s culture, ideology or religion as the best and considering others as the worst or inferior can be considered as extremism, which can lead to conflicts, tussles and wars.     
Extremism, of any kind and in any way, cannot be justified because it influences and disturbs others. If your religion, your nation or your sect are right and others are weirdly ridiculous, it is because you are thinking others in terms of your own motives, values or habits. If you want to understand them, you have to analyze them in terms of their values and sociological settings. Then, they may not seem weird to you and you may not hate them to the extent that makes your use of violence and terrorism for dominance justifiable for you. You should love your religion, your nation and your cast but you do not have the right to pester others. You do not have the right to call others ‘barbarians and savages’ if they do not pester you.
Extremism is directly related to the intensity of the beliefs. These beliefs can be related to any of the ideologies. It is not necessary that this ideology should be religious. It can be related to any ism or to even so-called civilized systems and political ideologies. In fact, different political ideologies, at different times in history, have proved to be more extremist than many religious examples. Thus, it is not what the extremists believe but how they believe that makes them extremists. It is basically their intolerance towards others that make them dangerous for others and extremists in the true sense of the word.
The extremist beliefs are not very intense in human psychology from birth but they are intensified by looking the world from same ideological perspective or they can be intensified by religious or political leaders who do not bother much about the truth but they always have their incentives in their cunning minds. Thus, it is social and political conditioning that make them so, slowly and gradually. Though they have the option of rejecting such conditioning but it is very difficult to do so, once they are caught from their childhood.
Sometimes, the political and religious leaders make the common people believe that their existence can be guaranteed and their place can be justified in the heaven if they launch war against other sects and casts. Sometimes, these leaders make the same common people believe that their prosperity lies in the dictatorial government; even they make them kill thousands of people without any justification of right and wrong. Sometimes, these leaders make the people believe that their civilization superiority depends upon launching war against the other people because they call the third world countries as terrorists and backward in terms of civilization, but the question is who has given such leaders the authority and merit to call a single ideology or ism as the absolute truth. As a matter of fact, all ideologies and isms are relatively true and this relative analysis proves that the universal ideologies and isms are difficult to realize, and they stand nowhere in absolute frame of reference.
Extremism can take us nowhere except to the threshold of destruction, where humanity would be crying at the remains of burnt human lives due to jealousies, holy wars and wars for political dominancy and economic benefits. And those burnt lives would be of our colleagues, our fellow-beings and, above all, of the people of our own type who have been befooled by the so-called religious and political leaders and who have been the people with miseries and sufferings already in their lives. In fact, the people suffering from the difficulties and hardships within their political and social lives become the victims of such leaders. It is a crystal-clear fact that the people who are poor and suffer because of lack of requirements and facilities of life are greatly vulnerable to terrorism because they are ready to do anything in order to get out of the suffering they are in. While, the unfortunate fact is that the leaders and the systems that should be solving their problems and issues are themselves involved in invigorating their conditions and taking full advantage of them, which is really pathetic and highly tragic.