Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024

The Paramount Role of Educational Institutions

Educational institutions in our society are of considerable importance. Since, our society is a backward society and it would require knowledge and education for development and progress, the role of the educational institutions become even greater. They are also important in shaping our attitudes and prepare us for behaving in a certain manner in defined situation. They can supply us instruments by which we can realize our social goals. These goals and values are defined by the system of education prevalent in our society. Hence educational institutions socialize us into useful members of society.
Educational institutions transmit our cultural values to the next generation. During the process of teaching, the teachers while teaching learn the socio-cultural norms themselves. They themselves are socialized first in the cultural ways of life. While teaching, they add their own experiences in the knowledge that they received from their parents and teachers. They do not transmit the same without change. By adding their experiences, they make knowledge up-to-date and according to the requirements of the society. They, by transmitting the new knowledge, educate the new generation and thus bring social change.
It implies that the process of teaching and transmitting change the teachers, the methods, the contents of education and even those that receive education. Through education the ways of living of our ancestors are transferred to the new generation. The most important example in this regard is the study of science that is transmitted to next generation with changes that take place after research.
Educational institutions also create social organization in society by harmonizing the attitudes, ideas, habits, customs, emotions and sentiments of the people. They develop homogeneity by developing general laws of social life. Different social groups are organized together by cooperation on common principles found in educational institutions. They can, thus, pave the way for social integration.
Educational institutions also support in selection of future occupation. They provide methods and ways to acquire information on various aspects of life. The individuals by this information select their professions that are most suitable for them. Moreover, the educational institutions can have links with public and private institutions that can provide job opportunities to the students; therefore, as the students complete their education, the professional institutions reach to them and hire them for different positions.
Moreover, the interactions and gatherings that are organized in educational institutions can support individuals in developing their personalities as well. By coming into contact with the people of different backgrounds and nature and different educational experiences, the students are able to add much in their knowledge and understanding, which they can use in their personality development. The same experiences can help them in living a positive life in other institutions, like family and society.
Educational institutions can support our young generation to a great extent, but there are certain problems in these institutions that create obstacles in the way. Among them the most important one is poor standard of education. Our educational institutions, unfortunately, are not developed on modern education system. The curricula that are taught to the pupils are mostly obsolete and do not have direct relation with the lives of the students. Moreover, the syllabi are designed to promote the culture of repetition and cramming. The concepts of investigation and inquisitiveness to learn are not nurtured in our educational system. Similarly, there is no room for research and creativity.
Teachers on the other hand are not trained sufficiently. They are not sure about the teaching methodology that they use. In most of the schools, colleges and universities, there is no such concept as teacher training. Teaching is a vast field and require proper training and skill development. Every person who can study well does not necessarily teach well. However, our educational institutions do not keep in consideration such important issues. Therefore, the teachers who teach mostly use the methods that they consider to be correct. Mostly, they use force and violence, instead of motivational techniques.
Then there is a disparity between the public and private educational institutions. The private institutions are comparatively better than public institutes as far as the quality of education and educational environment are concerned. But, a country like Afghanistan, where most of the people are suffering from poverty there are only few people who can afford private institutions. All the students, therefore, should have access to better educational opportunities as members of a state and the government is responsible to ensure this.
The government has many other responsibilities as well as far as the development and growth of educational institutions are concerned. The government authorities must ensure that there should be ample educational institutions that must satiate the thirst of students. There should be efforts to improve the standard of education, particularly, for the improvement of teaching method and teaching staff. Moreover, the government authorities are responsible to ensure that the students are provided favorable environment wherein they are not afraid to go to educational institutions and pursue their education with dedication and motivation and become responsible citizens of the country.