Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

They All Cause Deaths, Destructions and Disruptions

Insurgents seem to be launching new efforts to reorganize themselves and confuse things. There are three main insurgent groups operating to challenge Afghan government and the presence of international community in the country. They include Taliban, Hezb-e-Islam led by Hekmatyar and Haqqani network. These three groups are linked with intelligence services and terrorist groups in the region.

Taliban have remained the biggest force fighting NATO-led troops, and are run by a leadership council headed by the one-eyed leader Mullah Omar, who ordered many atrocities when he ruled Afghanistan from 1996 until being driven from Kabul in 2001.

Haqqani network, another main insurgent group, has associated itself with the Taliban. Earlier Sirajuddin Haqqani had said that his group is under the overall command of Taliban leader Mullah Omar. The third major insurgent group led by Hekmatyar has sometimes tried to distance itself from the Taliban.

Afghan government has been hosting Hekmatyar's delegation several times in Kabul and there have often been reports saying that Hezb-e-Islami would negotiate with the Afghan government.

But it is to be mentioned that over the last ten years the three above mentioned groups have been involved in attempts to prevent the development of strong government institutions that could deliver services to Afghan people, blow up roads, burn schools and kill the Afghans who have backed the government and post-Bonn process.

On Tuesday, September 27, 2011, Taliban militants said that the Haqqani network, part of the Taliban Leadership Council, seeks operational guidance from its supreme leader Mullah Mohammad Omar. In a statement on their website, the militants have said that the Taliban controls Haqqani group of insurgency, denying Pakistan's control over it and saying "Neither are our bases in Pakistan nor do we need residence outside of our country."

This happens while the network was blamed for 20-hour well-coordinated and well-planned attacks on the US embassy recently. Pakistan has also been accused of supporting the network but Pakistani officials have given mixed messages in reach to the accusation leveled against elements in their country.

Unfortunately, Afghan government has been trying to define the insurgents as bad and good, the definition that seems to lack any basis because all those associated with any of the three insurgent groups are linked with intelligence services and terrorist groups and carry out terrorist attacks that can cause deaths, destructions and disruptions.