Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Misuse of Uniforms Forms A Deadly Tactic

The presence of Taliban spies in Afghan National Police (ANA) and Afghan National Army (ANA) is an extremely concerning issue because it is the same police and army who will have to take the defense responsibilities of Afghanistan in their hands in the near future.

After the IEDs, suicide bombers in the uniforms of ANP and ANA have proven to be very deadly for coalition and Afghan forces. In the recent suicidal attacks in Kandahar and Laghman provinces the army and police uniforms were used. In the past too, in the majority of the terror attacks, Taliban have used the uniforms.

With this tactics they easily trick the security personnel. This trend that have been increasing used by insurgents but unfortunately has attracted very little or no attention of the concerned organizations of government and NATO. This is a very serious issue and therefore need serious attention. It is not so that solutions to this problem do not exist - lack of attention has made it recurring.

There is very tight security in capital as security forces are keeping an owl's eye on people and their vehicles. Same is the case with government offices and bases of international and national security forces that are functioning in provinces. But insurgents infiltrate these securities. The very usual technique they use is appearing in the uniforms of Afghan security forces. The question is that where do the insurgents get these uniforms from? Taliban maintain that they have agents in ANA and ANP.

Several incidents in which Afghan soldiers have shot dead their own fellow soldiers or coalition soldiers prove the claim of Taliban as true. Also, it seems like members of ANA and ANP that have similar mentality as that of Taliban are supporting the Taliban by providing them with uniforms and other useful information.

The presence of Taliban spies in ANP and ANA is an extremely concerning issue because it is the same police and army who will have to take the defense responsibilities of Afghanistan in their hands in the near future. It has become extremely essential for the Afghan government to do through background checks of its army and police and strict measures have to be taken to prevent misuse of uniforms.

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