Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Continuance of Quarrel within Wolesi Jirga

The investigation of especial tribunal that disqualified 62 sitting MPs on the basis of fraud in last year parliamentary election, and the consequent interference of Inde pendent Election Commission that verified the cases of nine of total 62 disqualified MPs, still vies heavily on the legislative branch of the government. There are large absentees from daily parliamentary sessions and large number of MPs still sticks strongly to the so-called law-supporting coalition, whose members do not accept unseating of nine MPs and decided to restore previous MPs disqualified by Independent Election Commission (IEC).

Initially, it was a kind of political hullabaloo between President Karzia and MPs, but after interference of IEC the quarrel has just moved inside Parliament. Parliamentary members are sharply divided on case of fresh MPs.

Part of them just see the issue as resolved one and asking hardliner of Supporting-law coalition members to come short of their demand: rejecting strongly unseating of even a member of Parliament.

Meanwhile, the law-supporting coalition, however defected during past days, but still the core members of the coalition continues boycotting parliamentary sessions. They are not participating in daily sessions and, though there were optimism that parliamentary quorum would be completed, but still it has remained a challenge.

In addition, on Sunday, Oct. 2, a woman parliamentarian, Samin Barakzia, a public representative from western Herat province, went on hunger strike unto death in the front of Wolesi Jirga. She is one of the nine parliamentarians unseated by IEC in August.

The division among MPs is far more dangerous and costly then a united parliament against President Karzia. Often there were quarrel among fellows MPs and sometimes they got mad each other and through bottles of water towards each other.

The current differences among MPs, however, would make them clash but of course, there would not be a friendly environment within the house to entice them to work for a common cause. It is possible that current division affects the future relation among them and quarrels about issues otherwise resolved simply.

Presently, many who never wanted to participate in parliamentary sessions have found an opportunity to remain absent and engage in personal businesses. And even sincere MPs who are trying to do their best are unable to do anything at all due to lack of quorum and common grounds. Therefore, hopefully, respected MPs solve their problem and do not let country suffer in mess created by their own activities.