Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Violence against Women: A Culture to Be Abolished

Afghanistan is a country well known for its rich history, culture, literature and arts, hospitable people as well as its magnificent and unique landscape. On the other hand, our country is also known for the wide spread poverty, corruption, lack of basic service and violence. In terms of violence, it is either publicly condoned and neither is challenged by society at large or by state institutions in Afghanistan. It is mainly the mass media and human rights activists that advocate for violence against women, its impact on women and society, in Afghanistan. The governments of Afghanistan and its international partners have challenged the way in which a culture of impunity, and the cycle of violence it generates in the society. Further, they have taken some concrete steps to establish of the rule of law and other efforts geared to building an environment conducive to respect for human rights. As a traditional society, violence is pervasive throughout Afghanistan. One can easily see the diverse manifestations of violence in different parts of the country. Further, violence against women in Afghanistan as a traditional and conservative society is widespread and deeply-rooted as well as acute in all parts of the society. As a result, violence is rooted in Afghan culture, customs, attitudes, and practices, which scars the lives of a huge proportion of Afghan women and girls. In a conservative society women and girls have limited freedom to run away from the norms and traditions that dictate an inferior status for females. It is more than four decades that Afghanistan is in war. These persistent conflicts have also subjected the Afghan women to the violence inherent in armed conflicts. It is clear that when there is wide spread lawlessness and criminality, violence is wide spread there as well. According to the sociologists, all forms of violence are close linked to a deep culture of impunity that is largely an outcome of several decades of conflicts and lack of justice in Afghanistan. 
Though violence agonist woman has been one of the important agendas of the government of Afghanistan and its international partners, but the situation has not dramatically change so far. Thus, violence in the following critical areas has remained as a major concern in the country: (a) violence that inhibits the participation of women in public life; and (b) sexual violence in the context of rape.
These two manifestations of violence is wide spread and confront Afghanistan seriously and call the government of Afghanistan, its international partners and all the organizations advocating for women rights to address them in proper manner by addressing their root causes.   These two types of violence are reviewed in the context of the prevailing socio-political culture whereby the rights of women are bartered to advance specific interests or privileges of specific agendas.
 In a traditional and conservative society women are physically or verbally abused. And Afghanistan is no exception from this point of the view as well. As a result, women and girls engage in self censorship, restrict their movements, or discontinue their work due to lack of practical safety mechanisms put in place by the government. Many women suffer psychologically of different forms of intimidation and attacks they experience on a daily basis here. The indirect effect of such violence is that it also inhibits the participation of other women in social, development, political or cultural processes in the society.
Violence against women is widespread in Afghanistan due to predominant traditional society norms and values and it has been exacerbated by several decades of conflicts here. Violence is a major obstacle to women participation in various spheres and it calls the government and the international community to put in place measures to build an enabling environment and cultural ethic that makes the perpetrators accountable and punish them indiscriminately.  They also should promote “affirmative action” measures to redress gender imbalance in society and also in the public offices. The last but not the least, they should promote the participation of women in all decision-making processes and policy making processes that affect their lives.

دفتر مطبوعاتی معاونت دوم ریاست جمهوری با نشر خبرنامهای نوشته است که شهروندان این ناحیه شهر کابل به منظور طرح مشکلات و مطالباتشان با سرور دانش معاون دوم رئیس جمهور روز پنجشنبه 10 جوزا دیدار کردند.
به نقل از خبرنامه، آنان مشکلات عمومی مردم در ساحه دشت برچی را به معاون دوم رئیس جمهور گزارش دادند و از حکومت وحدت ملی درخواست کردند که به مشکلات مردم این ناحیه رسیدگی به موقع کنند.
اشتراک کنندگان گفتهاند، در فصل زمستان و بهار به دلیل خامه بودن کوچههای دشت برچی، بارش باران و برف باعث مشکلات زیادی برای باشندگان این محل میشود و رفت و آمد را دشوار میکند. نمایندگان "گذر رسالت" واقع در پل خشک دشت برچی نیز اظهار کردند که پروسه پخته کاری این گذر از چند سال بدین سو به تعویق افتاده است و درخواست کردند که از طریق شهرداری کابل این موضوع به صورت جدی مورد بررسی قرار گیرد. آقای دانش از تلاش و توجه دیدارکنندگان به خاطر پیگیری مشکلات مردم، اظهار قدردانی کرده و گفته که شهرداری کابل پلان دارد که مطابق برنامه های شهری خود، پروژه کانکریت سازی کوچههای غرب کابل را به صورت مستمر به پیش ببرد.
معاون رئیس جمهور در خصوص بهسازی دشت برچی، به باشندگان این ساحه نوید داد که سرک اتصالی برچی و جاده شهید مزاری به زودی آغاز میشود.
استاد دانش در خصوص پروسۀ بدیل استملاک در پروژه یاد شده گفت که بنا به درخواست مردم محل و همکاری حکومت وحدت ملی، یک بدیل بسیار مناسب در خود ساحه دشت برچی در نظر گرفته شده که در روزهای آینده، پلانگذارى و پروسه توزیع آن آغاز خواهد شد.
وی همچنین راجع به پروژه امتداد جاده شهید مزاری افزود که این برنامه به زودی جهت طی مراحل اداری و قانونی به تدارکات ملی فرستاده خواهد شد.
استاد دانش در اخیر وعده سپرد که مطالبات دیدارکنندگان را از طریق ارگانهای ذیربط مورد پیگیری قرار خواهد داد.
طرح بهسازی جادههای دشت برچی به خصوص جاده شهید مزاری دو سال پیش مطرح شد ولی تاکنون گام مؤثری در راستای اجرایی شدن آن برداشته نشده است.