Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Art Promotes Colors and Sounds of Peace

There are different aspects of life and existence. Human beings need to satisfy all those aspects of life to live a stable life. These are not only linked to physical reality but also to the aesthetic, emotional and spiritual realities. In order to satisfy the latter realities, it is imperative that human beings must adopt the art as a tool. It is through art and artistic endeavors that they are able to satisfy these aspects of their reality and their existence.
Though in the modern world, the importance of science and technology has culminated, it has not been able to overshadow the importance of art and culture. Even modern art uses scientific and technological tools for its creativity and productivity. Moreover, art also has an imperative role in the development and preservation of culture and traditions.
It also imperative to realize that art searches beauty, finds it and brings it to human life. It is through art that human beings have found the real meaning of beauty and they are able to make it a reality in their lives as well. This has also gifted human beings the love for nature, for each other and for the entire humanity. It has also given them the opportunity to achieve beauty in their social life and existence and thus transform the world in a better place to live.
It is also through art that human beings get the opportunity to express themselves. Art is like a door towards the outer world. Through this door the human feelings, emotions and thoughts flow outwards. And it is not just any sort of flow that qualifies to be called as art but the skilled and the fine-looking ones that reach to the level of true art. Thus, art functions as exhaust for human’s true nature, which, if closed, can cause human’s true self suffocate in a solitary confinement.
The true artists are the ones who pursue true art and thus pursue beauty and refined skills. They are always innovative and creative and long for a world that is filled with love and affection. They, at certain times and in certain societies, may be considered as evils and destructive but that may be because of the standard or the criteria through which they are judged. They may be highlighting the shortcomings and the defects within the society and the societies that do not have the capacity to absorb such criticism tend to discourage the artists and the art as a whole.
Artists are a very important stratum of society and they should be encouraged to continue their work in every possible manner. They may prove to be the guides of human emotions and their aesthetic sense. They may lead human soul towards satisfaction and contentment. Human beings, in today’s busy world have become very much mechanical. Their lives are mostly influenced by the routines and they are the victims of monotony. They require change and novelty and artists can support them achieve such novelty and change. Therefore, it imperative that artists must be supported so that they are able to support the society in the best possible manner.
Artists dare to dream, dare to think differently and dare to change and all these can support human beings towards a different life – a life that may be quite better than the one they are living. Therefore, the societies must respect their artists, value their work and realize their worth; otherwise, they may not be able to live life fully.
The societies that are liberal and democratic have a very favorable environment for their artists. The artists in such societies are free to pursue their skills and grow as artists and, thus, become a positive part of society and become the agents of change and progress.
On the other hand, the conservative societies thatare dominated by rigid rules and extremist religious sentiments tend to undermine the artists and art. They do not have any sort of tolerance for them, neglect them and make their lives miserable.
Afghanistan is also one of the societies where the artists are not given their due rights and they do not have the role and the position they deserve. In fact, the country has been caught in so many other problems that the issues pertaining to artists and art have never been pondered upon. Now that country is moving towards a relatively peaceful era, it is important that the artists should be valued. They should be supported both by the government and the people.
Moreover, the institutions that support and promote art must be strengthened. Music, painting, acting, dance, singing and all forms of art must be given proper chance to grow and to evolve. Afghan people require them not only for erasing the memories of war and instability but also for maintaining peace and tranquility and providing satisfaction and contentment to their souls.
Artists can also provide support in embellishing the country with the color and sounds of peace and creativity, instead of bloodshed and war. They have the capacity to engage youth in constructive endeavors, instead of violence and terrorism. They can, without any doubt, put the society on the track towards sensitiveness, beauty and attraction.