Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

No Option Other Than Peace

Peace is indispensable in today’s world, and since, the international politics is inclining towards power play and the use of military dominance, the slogans of peace must be further strengthened. For the developing and under-developed countries peace is a prerequisite for other sorts of development. Without sustainable peace, thinking of prosperity is nothing more than a figment of one’s imagination. With peace, a society would be on the track of a healthy evolution and it would be able to concentrate on many other issues that are hurdle in the way to bliss and contentment.
Unfortunately, no peace has been for ever and fortunately, no war has lasted long. Wars have always devastated human civilizations, killed millions of human beings, brought miseries and pains and yet they have not been rejected as unnecessary and this fact is really very painful.
It is difficult to believe that knowing the horrors of wars, human beings have always considered them necessary and almost all the nations in the world are really ready for wars. There are many important requirements that are neglected in the society and most of the energy and efforts are utilized to make a nation ready for launching war and strong militarily. It is weird to note that there are many countries on the face of earth that would not utilize the resources of the nation for improving the standard of the living of the people but would spend them magnanimously on acquiring modern weaponry. In fact, human beings are preparing for their own destruction and extinction consciously.
Just consider the amount and the characteristics of modern weaponry; they have the tendency to raze human beings from the surface of the earth completely. The magnitude of weapons of mass destruction at the disposal of world nations can even destroy the entire earth several times.
Unluckily, some of the human beings are of the view that peace can only be achieved through wars and therefore, wars are necessary in human societies. This is the biggest misconception human beings have ever had. War does not and cannot bring peace; it in its nature is destructive. Even if war brings peace that is only after the entire human civilization is erased. Would a peace, in a world without human beings, be required at all?
Most of the wars have been possible because the nations have been very much interested in dominating each other and gaining power as power has enabled them to play major role in international politics and power game. In the meanwhile, they have forgotten the basic philosophy of the development of politics and states. Politics is really a game of power but the same power can be used to bring peace and tranquility within the world. Moreover, if all the political achievements of human beings are not able to bring them peace, what is the purpose of all those achievements? If they are not able to use their tendency to love each other what is the use of their sensitive feelings? In words of Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest propagators of peace and harmony, “The day the power of love overrules the love of power, the world will know true peace.”
One of the basic reasons of wars has been the tendency to subjugate others and try to revenge them for any perceived misdeed. And the series of retaliations have mostly formed an unbreakable chain of recurring circle and the wars have devoured several generations. This fact is true both in collective and in individual lives. Nations and individuals who have kept on retaliating have only been able to achieve great loss, nothing else. Mahatma Gandhi had rightly quoted, “An eye for an eye would only make the whole world blind.” That is how human beings in today’s society behave. They behave as if they are blind towards all the ugly manifestations of bloody wars and to all the miseries; therefore, they are making themselves ready for more and more wars, more seriously than ever before.
For our country Afghanistan, peace stands paramount as the country is suffering from war, instability and resultantly from poverty and misery. The efforts to restore lasting peace in the country should be further strengthened and the national, regional and international stakeholders should come together so as to establish lasting peace. The current urge and the calls for peace must be cashed and the Taliban must also understand that they have no option to win the ongoing war through violence. They neither have the capacity, nor the people in Afghanistan are ready to support them if they continue their current attitude. Therefore, it is vital that they should lay their arms and promote peace and tranquility in the country. Neighboring countries in this regard must also play their part and should understand that ultimately it is peace that would be in the benefit of everyone.