Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

No Way to Defend Extremism

Most parts of the world, at the moment, suffer from the threats of extremism and terrorism. Humanitarian analysts even argue that extremism and terrorism are reciprocal and have badly influenced all the norms and values of human society and have spotted an appalling stigma on the greatness and significance of human beings. Human history depicts that so far millions of people have been massacred; many international organizations had earlier feared that extremism would eradicate the human communities. Most of the basic human rights have been violated by the terrorist and extremist groups, which have strong relations with different ethnic clusters.
In view of certain thinkers, modern societies sacrifice a lot to bring transparent changes in the third world countries. They definitely assist the deprived people to modernize and bring tranquility and prosperity among them but there are many people who hesitate to accept these realities because their minds are limited to the confinement of fanaticism and religious torture cells where our thousands of young people have been sordidly pushed in the deep valley of illiteracy, ignorance and viciousness. They are bound to be limited to their wells and they do not have the capacity to think anything out of it. Their shortsighted approach, which is developed through their conditioning, sees nothing more than a single straight line that they have to follow. They are in fact the blinds with the eyesight and the brainless with the brains.
The tyrant and inhumane extremists suppress the people with the sectarian sentiments as tribal customs and religious traditions; they mistreat the devotion and belief of the people. Every day we come to know that plenty of innocent and impartial masses have been assassinated, the honor of the holy places have been ruined with suicide attacks, capricious strike on the processions have been made, and unfortunately holy Quran has been used in our own country to plant a bomb. So isn’t it the real face of extremism, barbarism and of course terrorism. These elements don’t have any faith, religion and loyalty but they have their particular goals and ambitions and even do not hesitate to translate the religion for their inhuman wicked desires.
Today the extremists due to their aggressive attitude have foxed the attention of everybody towards them; most of them are merely responsible for every kind of corruption and devastation. Especially the Islamic countries have been castigated for such violence and atrocities. The Islamic militants have been named terrorists; what is the actual reason? The basic reason is that they are involved in the genocide of uncountable people in Syria, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan. It is quite sure that extremism is the root cause of terrorism and in all the countries mentioned above the people have been showing extremism and nothing else. They have been dodged in the name of religion and they do not use their minds to understand what they are taught. All they do is following blindly the teachings and taking the worst possible actions.
There are some so-called clergies who want to disguise the fact by claiming that extremism may lead the humanity towards the spiritual glory, but they intentionally regard the spirits of humanity while concealing their notorious characteristics, which they are applying in many parts of the planet earth. We must know their medieval practices and frustrated religious and tribal system with their obsolete and ill-intended teachings that are nothing except molesting the human beings.
Today we can easily find out the miseries and unsafe conditions which are undoubtedly the ultimate repercussions of extremism. Today the reputation and honor of our religion, and civilization is extremely in immense danger due to extremism. And the approach that is developed in the minds of the most of the people is really a matter of concern; so we must immensely protest against this ignorance, which has caused us rigid and poignant attitude. We are caught in the worst kind of quagmire of extremism and we do not find any way of getting out of it. The more we try to get out of it, the more we are sinking in it. We really need to know that they way we are making efforts is wrong and we need to do something else in order to get out of it. We really need to understand this clear fact that extremism has rewarded us the humiliating gift of terrorism, which is of course unacceptable for every sensible, literate and human-loving person. David Cecil’s observation can really guide us in this regard: “It is often said that mankind needs a faith if the world is to be improved. In fact, unless the faith is vigilantly and regularly checked by a sense of man’s fallibility, it is likely to make the world worse. From Torquemada to Robespierre and Hitler the men who have made mankind suffer the most have been inspired to do so have been inspired to do so by a strong faith; so strong that it led them to think their crimes were acts of virtue necessary to help them achieve their aim, which was to build some sort of an ideal kingdom on earth.”