Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Independence day: Is Afghanistan independent?

On august 19th, 1919, the people of Afghanistan under the leadership of the king Amanullah Khan Ghazi, regained the independence of the country after the third unequal war, and forced the superpower to shamefully leave the country and give a lesson to others who were thinking of invasion of Afghanistan. The defeat of British imperialistic invaders inspired the region’s other nations that were living under the British imperialism umbrella to wake up and fight for their independence and freedom. The oppressed people of the Indian sub-continent raised the voice of freedom-loving after decades suffering brutality from the British forces. They managed to gain their independence in 1947.
This was not the first invader power that tasted defeat from the bare-footed but patriotic and faithful people of Afghanistan. In the 20th  century the Soviet Union’s Red Army desired to invade Afghanistan, but was defeated and left the country after 10 years of war and bloodshed. The Soviet’s defeat by Afghans caused the independence of 15 states under control of the communist imperialist and some other nations in the Eastern Europe, including Germany that was divided into two hostile countries.
But unfortunately, the people of Afghanistan could not enjoy their freedom and independent life as some Mujahideen groups got involved in a devastating civil war that uprooted our infrastructure, killed, injured and forced hundreds of thousands of people to flee the country, changing Afghanistan to a needy country. The consequences of the 1992-1996 war are still felt and its inauspicious shadow is still over the lives of this suffering people.
In the other word, Afghans were have beebn successful in the battle field against enemy but subsequently have failed in political arena. this strength and weakness are not true only in case of Russia and British aggression but also true throughout the history and now. Today’s political system which has come out as result of Bon agreement in 2001 sparked hope in the hearts of the war-tired people for a lasting peace but we failed to use the unprecedented economic and political opportunities made with support of international community.
Nowadays, courageous Afghan security forces have proved their ability to annihilate any terrorist and mafias group to bring about peace and glory to our nation by giving their lives but our politicians are engaged with their runty personal and tribal agenda. They are committed to defend sovereignty of Afghanistan and consider it as their responsibility to defend their soil till the last drop of blood but they are discouraged with the poor policy of our leaders.
The International forces that threw Taliban from power in less than one month, is now miserable to confront the increasing attacks of the group that their fighters set cities on fire (Burning Ghazni) and brutally massacre civilians. People in Afghanistan do not know what the international friends do here? Are they here to fight terrorism or to watch the killing of women and children by terrorists? The Daesh terrorist group kills teenagers in classrooms and the foreign forces remain as audience or just calculate causalities or condemn the killers. Undoubtedly, we welcome international friendship but it must be on the basis of mutual interests and honesty.
Considering the current conditions, Afghanistan is one of the most dependent and wretched country in the world. Unfortunately, the terms of independence neither as a general sense nor as a certain sense, such as economic or socio-political components, never accurately have been debated in the operating practices’ literature in Afghanistan. The ambiguous concept of independence remained more likely to a wish or a motto rather than a serious public demand being autopsied and interpreted by Afghan thinkers. The practical step of this desire will not be implemented unless nationally invest on new generation who may achieve these ancient honors by gaining advanced capabilities. In clearer terms, independency depends to educating and training of children who are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow.
Therefore, Afghanistan is much weaker than it is to speak of independency; In terms of economy, it is the most dependent country in the world, in terms of human force and expertise, Afghanistan ranks around 170th country in the world!  Teachers, students and young generation who are supposed to lay the foundation of independency are the humblest class in this society. They are subjected to extreme poverty, violence, health and poor investment. More than half the country’s, estimated around 35 million, populations are below 15 and a large number of them die before their fifth birthday mostly from preventable diseases such as pneumonia, diarrhea and malnourishment.
Reaching the dream of independency needs high attention to foundations of liberty such as quality educational services throughout the country. Because awareness is prior to freedom and no nation would be able to liberate themselves unless they are awoken and committed with coexistence values. For example, if someone offer a Millions of Dolor to a Japanese to do something wrong, he will never destroy their markets, schools and educational centers because they have been educated and trained like that, but unfortunately our policy makers knowingly or unknowingly do not pay values to these things. We just have learnt to blame others but no stranger is able to destroy our country if we do not help.
Finally, the independency cannot be bestowed — it must be planned and achieved as other nation already did at the other parts of the world. They did not build their nation by explosion, war, hatreds and domination of a certain tribe over all others; they succeeded when they start building their nation through nondiscriminatory educational system and common love of their homeland.  Wishing a day that tears come to my eye, and see our independent flag is waving high!