Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

The Democratic Legacy of War on Terrorism for Afghanistan

Eleven September 2001, is one of the most important days in the history of the United Sates that has a tremendous impact on Afghanistan. On the morning of 11 September 2001, 19 hijackers took control of four commercial passenger jets flying out of airports on the east coast of the United States. The terrorists members of Al-Qaead deliberately flown two of the  airplanes into the main two towers (the Twin Towers) of the World Trade Center in New York, with a third hitting the Pentagon in Virginia. However, the fourth plane never reached its intended target, crashing in Pennsylvania. It is believed that the passengers and crew overpowered the hijackers and took control of the plane.
The situation in Afghanistan before 11/9, 2001
Afghanistan came under harsh Taliban rule in 1996 and by 2001, the country was depleted, dependent on certain foreign countries that had recognized the Taliban regime and it was almost entirely cut off from the rest of the world and was a safe haven for Al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups. Afghanistan was beset by drought and was on the brink of famine. In such a situation mainly Pakistan, Saudi Arabia and the United Emirates supported the Taliban regime.
The city of Kabul and other major cities looked like a ghost city; the city of Kabul felt dead, crushed by poverty and trauma. If a person could afford to leave the city, had already migrated elsewhere. The city nearly had no electricity and other urban service. All the roads were pocked and destroyed, with sparse traffic. The city was filled with terror and fear. No one wanted to encourage curious eyes. Kabul was the symbol of the ghost cities during those miserable days. In such a situation, under the Taliban law, men had to grow beards and wear turbans. Girls were not allowed attend school. Women had to wear burqas and their shoes should not make noise. Most women were forbidden to work outside home and a man should have accompanied them if they wanted to go outside.
Persisting Discrimination as the main characteristics of Taliban regime
Taliban law was a harsh interpretation of Islam; based on such an interpretation no pluralistic value was tolerated; they neither tolerated pluralism of region, nor pluralism of ethnicity. Though the latter is not a religious phenomenon, but Taliban did not tolerate it; because Taliban is a political group with a political agenda that uses religion as a mask to deceive the people and justify their wrong ideology under it. As a result, religious and ethnic discrimination reached to its peak during the Taliban regime and many Afghan citizens left the country because of religious and ethnic persistent discrimination.
US attack on Taliban as the message of freedom to the oppressed Afghans
As mentioned before, living under Taliban regime was a nightmare for many Afghans; they were totally hopeless and no symptoms of an end of conflict and oppression was perceivable in political horizon of the country. In such a context, the news of attacking the United States on Al-Qaeda and Taliban as the main supporter of the terrorist groups was the best news for many Afghans. After the fall of the Taliban, a new democratic governance system was put in Place in Afghanistan; A new constitution was developed and enacted; Presidential, Wolsi Jirga and Provincial Councils elections were held. Girls returned to schools and opportunities for women participation at the different levels, including leadership level, was provided in the public and private institutions. Further, equal participation and roles have been given to all religious and ethnic groups of Afghanistan.
During the rule of the Taliban, Afghanistan experienced one of darkest periods during the course of its history. After the attack of international community led by the United States, a new shining chapter was opened in the history of Afghanistan; a democratic governance process started in the country that considers all the citizens of Afghanistan as the equal members of the country. This democratic legacy enables Afghanistan to ensure a balanced political, economic and socio-cultural development and provides a conducive environment that all the citizens of Afghanistan to live in harmony beside each other. As a result, Afghan citizens deserve credit for their commitment to democracy, and take that aspect of our history for granted.