Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Peace in the Korean Peninsula: Positive Messages for Afghanistan

The North Korea nuclear issue was the most important security issue in the region and the world as well. These issues remained depressingly the same despite new developments e.g. reputed illness of North Korea leader Ki, Jon-il and new leaders in both South Korea and the United States. Questions how to rein in North Korea’s nuclear programs and entice it to open its markets and borders to greater foreign interactions remained-un answerer for decades. In fact, North Korea was one of the most enduring foreign policy challenges to the US for about half a century.
When Trump took office; the acceleration of the North Korean nuclear program became President Donald Trump’s most pressing international security. In April 2017 alone, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un showcased the advances in its missile technology during an ostentatious military parade and conducted two missile tests on April 16 and April 28. As a result, the Trump Administration responded with tough talk of its own, with Vice President Mike Pence declared that “the era of strategic patience” toward North Korea was over and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson indicated that all options were on the table. This Stance of the US alarmed countries in the region, especially South Korea and Japan, about an impending crisis on the Korean Peninsula.
Moon Jae-in Diplomatic Talk Policy
In such a complex and high tensions situation, It was very difficult to think about a peaceful solution to the North Korea’s nuclear issues. However, new leader of South Korea, President Moon Jae-in called for diplomatic talks with the North at a time when the United States and others wanted to step up pressure on Kim Jong-un. Many political analysts held that this could make it difficult for the international community to reach consensus on how to deal with North Korea. Surprisingly, nearly no one thought that this policy would lead to an agreement between President Trump and Kim Jong-Un as the base of starting of denuclearization in the Korean Peninsula.
However, President Moon Jae-in did not give up and continued his persist efforts to bring closer the two Koreas and prevent another war in the region and his sincere efforts paid off. In a recent development, the two leaders met on September 19, 2018 and issued a statement at a Joint Press Conference Following the 2018 Inter-Korean Summit in Pyeongyang. Based on this statement a Korean Peninsula free of war has begun to take shape. The Two Koreas have agreed to eliminate all risks that could lead to war from all parts of the Korean Peninsula.
When we see such developments in other countries, we hope the same happens in Afghanistan as well. Imran Khan the new Prime Minister of Pakistan has already announced good policies about Pakistan foreign relations, especially Afghanistan. We hope he changes to “the Jae-in of Pakistan” for Afghanistan. Afghanistan is sure that if Pakistan sincerely works with Afghanistan to bring peace in the country, it has many financial and spiritual tools that not only can put under pressure the Taliban and other terrorist groups but also can satisfy them by its religious influence on these groups to put an end to the war in Afghanistan; a war that has been going on in the country for about four decades as part of the Pakistan military’s doctrine of “strategic depth” which Pakistan uses Afghanistan as an instrument of strategic security in ongoing tensions with India and may the US by attempting to control Afghanistan as a pawn for its own political purposes.