Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Terrorists in Syria: How They Come to Afghanistan?

Russia has warned that it will not allow jihadists in Syria to be sent to Afghanistan or elsewhere under a deal reached with Turkey that averted a large-scale military assault on rebel-held Idlib province.
According to Sergei Lavrov, there has been talk to send them off to other hotspots, for example Afghanistan that is unacceptable for Russia.
How the Syria Jihad Emerged
Syria’s Jihad was involving a huge cast of jihadist actors operating within one of the most intense and multifarious civil wars in recent history. The Jihadists had a crucial part in internationalizing the conflict by establishing a base in Syria and by playing a role in its revolution. One consistent theme throughout the Syrian civil war has been the sheer multitude of insurgent and jihadist protagonists involved. Different Jihadist groups were established as a strategic tool to topple Bashar al-Assad by certain
regional and non-regional powerful countries to secure their national interests in Syria and the region.
When a conflict ends, as the case is for ISIS members in Idlib, either through force or negotiated settlement, transnational terrorists are likely to disperse in numerous directions. During this time, the militants may switch their allegiances between a smattering of groups on the ground, including ISIS, Jabhat Fateh al-Sham, and Ahrar al-Sham.
Terrorism Experts believe that if the fortunes of ISIS and other terrorist groups continue to decline in Syria, these groups will have three options.
First Option
Rapprochement with so called moderate Syrian armed groups as the only option to continue their struggle. 
Second Option
Forming a cohort of stateless Jihadists who will travel abroad in search of the next jihadi theater—Yemen, Libya, West Africa, or Afghanistan. These are the militant progeny of the original Mujahideen, or transnational jihadists that once filled the ranks of al-Qaeda and fought in Afghanistan against the Soviets, and in Chechnya and the Balkans. ISIS affiliates and local jihadists in these places would likely welcome an influx of battle-hardened comrades. And certain countries will manage sending them from one place to another according to the new charming frontlines for these groups. Currently Afghanistan and Yemen are the main destinations for the terrorists who either by force or based an agreement shall leave Syria. They can serve the strategic objectives of certain countries in Afghanistan and Yemen. Contrary to Lavrov’s stance, some of these terrorists will be sent to Afghanistan as the same has happened in the past.
Third Option
Returning to their countries of origin, like Tunisia or Saudi Arabia, or go further afield to Europe, Asia, or North America. And it is the cohort that most concerns those in counterterrorism circles and are considered as a terrorist threat to the national security of their countries of origin even they have been trained and equipped by some of the same countries.
Afghanistan is in the frontline of combating terrorism. As a result the Afghan citizens have been suffering from the terrorism and the proxy wars at least during the four last decades. Sending the terrorists from Syria to Afghanistan will further escalate the security in Afghanistan and it even may force the nation to the sectarian conflicts. As a result, the Afghan government shall use all national and international instruments to prevent this and do not let the regional and international powers to further change Afghanistan to their proxy wars destination.