Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Developing Peace Through Science

In today’s modern world, it is difficult to imagine the world and the life itself without science and technology. Science has penetrated deep within our social life, and we are not able to live without it. Nevertheless, there are questions about the actual worth of science in today’s world, since even after so much advancement in science, human beings are not able to achieve a peaceful life. Though they know that war and conflicts are not going to give them a secure future, they have kept on pursuing them and, unfortunately, science and technology seem to be assisting them in this regard. 
However, it is vital to understand that science is neutral in the sense that it does not promulgate any code of ethics, religious teachings or belief system. It is a method of enquiry and learning and a body of knowledge that is generated through that method. It is the way science is used that matters not science itself. If today human societies use scientific knowledge and inventions to promote war, terrorism and violence, science cannot be blamed for that. That has to do with human intentions and their desires or belief systems.
Science can be best used for peace and development. Throughout its history, science has proved that, and it can keep on doing that if human beings intend to do so, individually and collectively. However, the important point is to realize the fact that their survival and prosperity lie in the positive use of science and technology.
To emphasize the same fact, every year November 10 is celebrated as the World Science Day for Peace and Development around the world. The day was proclaimed by United Nations Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) General Conference (Resolution 31C/ 20) in 2001 to recall the commitment made at the UNESCO-ICSU World Conference on Science. The purpose of celebrating the day is to renew the national, as well as the international commitment to science for peace and development and to stress the responsible use of science for the benefit of society. The World Science Day for Peace and Development also aims at raising public awareness of the importance of science and to bridge the gap between science and societies.
There is no doubt in the fact that one of the most crucial requirements for a society to develop is peace and tranquility. Without sustainable peace, thinking of prosperity is nothing more than a figment of one’s imagination. With peace, a society would be on the track of a healthy evolution and it would be able to concentrate on many other issues that are hurdle in the way to bliss and contentment. In the journey from the first human societies to today’s modern world, wherein human beings call themselves civilized and the best of all the creatures, there have always been fluctuations between peace and war. Unfortunately, no peace has been forever and fortunately, no war has lasted long. Wars have always devastated human civilizations, killed millions of human beings, brought miseries and pains and yet they have not been rejected as unnecessary and this fact is very painful.
It is difficult to believe that knowing the horrors of wars, human beings have always considered them necessary and almost all the nations in the world are really ready for wars. There are many important requirements that are neglected in the society and science and technology are utilized to make a nation ready for launching war and strong militarily. It is weird to note that there are many countries on the face of earth that would not utilize blessings of science for improving the standard of the living of the people but would spend them magnanimously on acquiring modern weaponry. In fact, human beings are preparing for their own destruction and extinction consciously.
Just consider the amount and the characteristics of modern weaponry; they have the tendency to raze human beings from the surface of the earth completely. The magnitude of weapons of mass destruction at the disposal of world nations can even destroy the entire earth several times.
Unluckily, some of the human beings are of the view that peace can only be achieved through wars and therefore, wars are necessary in human societies. This is the biggest misconception human beings have ever had. War does not and cannot bring peace; it in its nature is destructive. Even if war brings peace that is only after the entire human civilization is erased. Would a peace, in a world without human beings, be required at all?
Some nations are, today, proud of their military achievements and their history of wars. And wars have become an educational subject that is taught within colleges, universities and military institutions. People get degrees and certificates in the science and art of killing one another. And, they malign science and art in this way. Human beings really need to reconsider so many aspects of their lives, start knowing the true worth of science and technology and start using it to generate peace and development not strengthen armies and launch wars.