Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Elections Must not be Hindered

One of the basic political issues in Afghanistan is fraud-tainted and controversial election process and election system. Though there have been a few presidential and parliamentary elections in the country, the basic structure for a fraud-free and transparent election has not been developed. The election processes have been vehemently dominated by allegations of fraud and misconduct, and the election commissions, both Independent Election Commission (IEC) and Independent Electoral Complaints Commission (IECC) of Afghanistan, have not been able to function independently.
Moreover, security has been one of the main issues influencing the election system and process. Even today, there are doubts about the upcoming presidential election. It has already been postponed; and if there is no deal with Taliban, there are fears that it may further be postponed, which will raise serious concerns regarding the political system in the country as the legitimacy of current government is already being questioned. Thus, it is vital that the election must continue in the country without delay and disturbance so that the way to democracy should be paved. 
One of the most dominating attributes of democracy is the process of election. If elections continue democracy prospers. This claim can be strengthened by the evidences that lie in the history of greatest democratic states. American democratic history depicts a serious of elections, continued for more than two centuries. United Kingdom’s history depicts even a longer continuation of series of elections and today both the countries enjoy a dominant role in international political scenario. They both enjoy economic and political might and there are many countries that have been trying to adopt their systems so as to have justice and order in their systems.
In true sense, elections let the public govern themselves; therefore, in a democratic state government is not anything beyond the General Will. People get the chance of listening the motives and mottos of the leaders and they get time even to analyze them properly. Afterward, they are given chance of casting their votes and choosing the leaders whom they consider capable enough to govern them. It is possible that the leaders who are chosen to form government may not be the best, but they are better than the ones who are not chosen by the will of the majority as every nation in the world have the right to choose what they think better for themselves, without bringing harm to others.
However, there are certain thinkers who believe that even though the elections continue the miseries of the people continue as there is no any change in their lives as a result of the elections. They argue that though the elections change faces of the rulers but do not change the lives of the common people who are being ruled. They basically relate to standard of living of the common people and their access to justice and rights and claim that though elections continue, miseries prevail. However, it would be self-contradictory statement to say that elections continue and miseries prevail because elections can provide opportunities to the people to choose the sort of government that they like for themselves.
In reality miseries prevail because elections do not continue. It would be better to explain it in a simpler manner. In fact, every new election is a new step in the evolution of democracy and every new step is better than the earlier one. No matter, if the government after new election is corrupt. It is always better than the earlier one as the election before the earlier one had also contributed a little in the awareness enhancement, so will do this new one and the election after this one would have better decisions. People will have a chance to see what the chosen government has been able to offer to them. They can have the chance of not casting their votes to one who have not been able to serve them properly. So now, it would be wise to conclude that when elections continue miseries diminish, awareness enhances, democracy evolves and prosperity reigns.
It would be better to discuss the matter in context of Afghanistan. Recently, there have been different sorts of discussions regarding the upcoming elections in Afghanistan and continuously there have been discussions regarding the democratic system in country and its outcomes. There are intellectuals who basically believe that democracy will not be able to lead Afghan political system and they even argue that Afghan society is not so far ready for it. But it would be better to be more logical and scientific. The history of democracy in Afghanistan is very short and before blaming democracy for the miseries in our country, it would be better to ask ourselves, “Has there been democracy in real sense in Afghanistan?” Never! So, when there has never been democracy and elections have a very short history then how can we blame democracy for miseries?
In order to have a fruitful tree of democracy, we need to water it continuously with elections, safeguard it from the parasites of corruption, fertilize it with freedom of expression and above all avoid deforestation by dominancy of dictatorship. Only then we would be able to have true democracy and would be able to stand strong against political and economic challenges.