Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Mr. Qaddafi and the Consequence of his Death

Finally Col. Muammar Gaddafi received what he deserved, at least according to his oppositions' point of view who suffered terribly under his regime during past four decades. On Thursday, October 20, 2001 he was killed in city of Sirte, the last front of resistance against the transitional government, while attempting to flee. According to pictures and movies released on webs show him bloody with injuries on forehead and neck. Though he still had his golden gun loaded but did not resist and asked capturers not to shoot him. His pleas found no sympathizers and he was shot and dragged by a vehicle, reportedly.

Soon after the announcement of his murder, thousands of Libyans marched into streets of Tripoli, Benghazi and other small and big cities to celebrate. With smiling faces, Libyans were beating drums and dancing across the country.

The incident had visible global reflection and many welcomed the news as turning point to history of the country. President Barack Obama and all four Republican nominates for 2012 Presidential election welcomed the news.

Col. Muammar Gaddafi captured power in 1969, by a military coup and ruled the country for almost 42 years without holding any fundamental measure to let political power trickle down to six million Libyans. Instead he ruled the country with clenched fist and cracked down all civil and political uprisings. Oppositions were never tolerated and even government elements were targeting political dissents, succeeded to flee and sought asylum in the rest of countries.

His regime was also blamed for linkage with North Irish Republican rebellions. Generally, his government did not have a convenient relation with western countries, particularly US, and it got further tense as he was blamed for exploding an American aircraft in 1988 over Scotland.

But recently its natural reserves attracted attention of western countries and foreign companies have largely invested in the field. Series of economic contracts paved the way for political partnership. The intensity of tense relation started getting liquidized. The process was further accelerated after 2003 when the regime announced of suspicion of its nuclear program.

In domestic sphere, he too held measures, though symbolic, to pretend that his government was supported by Libyans. But indubitably there was no breathing sphere for opposing sounds and all ultimate decision lied on his hand. But, the Arab civil uprising fuelled unrest in Libya too. Without consideration of new global circumstances, the regime dealt with rebellions as it had been doing during past decades.

Regime changes in Tunisia and Egypt pulled the trigger all over Arab world, particularly in Libya where people were suffering from the diseases that part of Arab countries do: dictatorship and economic misery. It is noteworthy that the population of the country is only around six million, but the annual income from natural resources has become more then thirty billion dollars. But with such enormous revenue the unemployment rate still fluctuates around 20 percent

Though countries' huge natural reserves attracted huge foreign investment that could have been used as small route to growth of privatization, but the regime challenged and did not allow growth of private companies in the country. It kept its grab tight over employment market and people were employed only by public sectors.

Hereafter, Libyans would have the choice to elect their government and ask for country's enormous revenue.

But the consequence of Muammar Qaddafi's murder will not be restricted with Libya's border; rather his death would intensify unrest in Syria, Yemen, and Bahrain. His murder sent electron through backbone of Abdullah Saleh, and Bashar-ul-Asad, as NATO members after getting rid of Qaddafi find the opportunity to push for tough stance against these countries.