Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Unmitigated Sufferings of War Victims Should End

People sustain inhuman treatment in times of war and peace across the world and their rights and “inherent dignity” are violated in one way or another. Although there is a set of globally accepted moral and human principles which form the foundation of international instruments, the pain and sufferings of human societies and individuals continue unabated. During the war, civilians; including women and children, war prisoners, the wound and sick; undergo violence and atrocities. Warring sides hardly observe the International Humanitarian Law (IHL).  
IHL upholds the rights of the victims of armed conflicts like the soldiers who no more participate in war and civilians who are on the fence.
Warring parties are supposed to discriminate between combatants and non-combatants whose rights to life, liberty and property will have to be immune to attack. Only military bases should be targeted and there are also restrictions in using weapons and military tactic which may result in injuries and “unnecessary sufferings”. According to IHL, torturing, wounding or killing the surrendered enemies or those not involved in conflicts are not allowed and their life, physical, and mental health should be respected.
All warring parties, involved in armed conflicts, states and international community are responsible to respect IHL. Hence, warring sides can only target combatants and military bases but locals, particularly women and children, must not be targeted. Military targets include infrastructures, buildings and sites where the enemies reside. However, when local instruments are used as military means such as using local rail road for carrying weapons will be also counted as military targets.
Unluckily, the rule of law is hardly considered in conflicts these days and local places and individuals are targeted intentionally or unintentionally. Women and children are highly vulnerable in international and non-international armed conflicts.
Terrorist networks are one of main war criminals neither accepting the rule of war nor respecting the international laws. They target anywhere with any possible weapons. Targeting locals, including women and children, religious figures, aid groups, instructors, lecturers, holy places, hospitals, schools, universities, local infrastructures, populated sites, etc. are targeted frequently.
Human catastrophes are also seriously horrible in Afghanistan. Nothing is sacred for the militant fighters – particularly for the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL). Human life does not amount to anything. The nonstop carnage and bloodshed are the ugly face of terrorist activities which result in outpouring of grief.
The spate of terrorist attacks in recent months has added to public disappointment. The tragic story repeats itself on daily basis.
Spilling the blood of civilians – be it in Afghanistan or any other parts of the world – is highly outrageous. Non-combatants should be able to exercise their rights and liberty without a sense of fear or threat. Civilians have nothing to do with wars and conflicts and must be safeguarded against violence regardless of their racial, religious or linguistic backgrounds.
The vacuum of humanity is strongly felt around the human societies and people’s rights and dignity are violated in the worst possible way. It should be noted that if the world does not promote the spirit of brotherhood, religious tolerance or racial acceptance, the bleeding will continue unabated and fill people with sense of revenge. The ongoing catastrophes around the globe, which compound human fatalities, are the tragedy of our century. The world needs to fill this vacuum with the spirit of brotherhood and respect the rights and dignity of mankind.
Martin Luther King has aptly said, “Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself. It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.”
Indeed, the armed conflicts will continue unless the world learns the ‘art of living together as brothers’. Similarly, to mitigate political conflicts and ideological tension, the world needs to respect territorial integrity and exercise religious tolerance.
The world, including the international community, must not remain indifferent to the outrageous violation of human rights. The international community should seek to bridge the gap between nations and place emphasis on non-violent strategy in the event of challenging issues.
We are all ‘members of the human family’ and have to respect the rights, dignity and liberties of one another so as to promote peace and stability around the globe and stop the relentless cycle of violence and brutality.