Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Taliban Obstinacy in Persistence of Violence in Afghanistan

On the eve of holding the Loya peace consultative Jirga which aims to build consensus amongst Afghan nation in preparation with hoped-for peace talks between Afghan government and the Taliban, the group has stated in its latest stance that they do not participate in the national-wide Peace Consultative Loy Jirga, and has firmly asked its supporters not to participate in the consultative meeting. The group has called the Consultative Peace Loy Jirga as a conspiracy plotted by its foreign enemies and its internal mercenaries. The Taliban issued two English language statements on its official website, Voice of Jihad, denouncing the upcoming peace council, which is scheduled to take place on April 29 and will be attended by thousands of Afghan from all aspects of society. This Taliban position is taking place against a large consultative meeting, in which more than 2,500 social and political figures are to participate from all over the country.
The Taliban decried the upcoming Afghan Loya Jirga for Peace labeling as a tool of “the invaders and their stooges” using “for their own malicious objectives”. “The superficial ‘Grand Consultative Jirga will be no different than the Jirgas and resolutions passed by the supposed ‘Loya Jirgas’ during the end years of the communist regime or that of the year 2013 which approved the extension of occupation and auctioning of Afghanistan under the security agreement,” Zabihullah Mujahid writes.
Meanwhile, the Taliban have banned the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) from operating in Afghanistan, citing “suspicious” activity. Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid was cited by Reuters as saying on Thursday that the militant group was no longer guaranteeing the security of the workers enlisted with some organizations, including the United Nations health body and the Red Cross. Mujahid claimed the organizations had stopped complying with their agreements with the militants, while he alleged irregularities during the vaccination processes carried out by them.  With Such Obstinate position, Taliban illustrates a number of issues:
First, they are aware of their weak logic in the peace process, and so they do not want to participate in a public discourse which divulges their weakness. From one hand, they show their readiness for peace talks but on the other hand, they fight against people and government victimizing dozens of Afghan youths every day. Using bomb and suicide attacks against their land and people become their logic and intellectuality. It seems that they do not satiate except with bloodshed and terror.  It is natural that the consultative Loya Jirga is to explain the thoughts and views of the people of Afghanistan. The views of the Afghan people are undoubtedly the end of the war and reaching to a peaceful and security. No one in this country wants war and violence. Therefore, the group knows that they will be scandalized if they participate in the Jirga and explain their warlike views.
The second point is that this group with this stance has, once again, emphasized that it does not believe in peace in Afghanistan. If this group really believed in peace, they would have to send their representatives to the general Jirga that would come from all parts of the country. It was a good opportunity for them to participate and give their views to the people if they really had a plan for a peaceful and humane life. But, of course, neither they have a plan for a peaceful and human life, and nor believe in such a thing. Unfortunately, when they do not have belief in peace and dialogue all efforts would become useless.
The third remarkable point is that the Taliban is really Uncorrectable. The Taliban’s refusal to attend the Peace Consultative Loya Jirga, as well as the emphasis on not talking with the Afghan government, shows that the Taliban are Uncorrectable. The Taliban has repeatedly shown that they do not believe in peace and is essentially uncorrectable. Until now, each time their representatives have participated in the peace talks, the group has intensified its brutal and horrifying attacks that killed thousands of civilians and security forces. Each time their supporters have spoken about the Taliban’s presence before the negotiating table, or the Afghan government has shown a flexible response to this group, they have responded with suicide attacks and killing more people.
So, given that fact that Taliban is an uncorrectable group, what can be done about it? Unfortunately, the Afghan government, especially during the second round of Karzai administration tried to seek peace with imploring the Taliban. Unhappily, this tragic and devastating tradition caused the Taliban to re-establish its existence and strengthen its military positions.
However, over the past several years, many lessons learned from the Taliban which help how to face the group, and so the members of Afghan government leadership have noticed that peace is not obtained through begging and it has been proclaimed repeatedly. But this experience should become a single strategy and a decisive policy against the enemy. Therefore, the Afghan government, while sitting at the negotiating table with the Taliban, must suppress the group in the fighting fronts. Only with using such approaches the enemy may compel to accept a fair peace talks. Retreating against a bloodthirsty group and killers of thousands of people which repeated showed obstinacy which will never leads to real reconciliation and even has adverse consequences.