Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Irreversible Transition versus Increasing Violence

As international forces are preparing to implement the second phase of transition of security responsibility to Afghan security forces, Taliban and other insurgent groups are increasingly using male and female suicide bombers to attack international troops and Afghan institutions. On Saturday, October 29, 2011, at least two NATO soldiers were killed in a car suicide bombing in the capital, Kabul. The assault was carried out on a convoy of foreign troops in front of the Afghan National Army Recruitment Center.

According to reports, three civilians and one policeman also got killed in the Kabul attack. Also on Saturday, a female suicide bomber was reported to have blown herself up in an attempt to attack a local government office in the capital of Kunar province.

The incident led to injuring three police personnel and two civilians. In another incident in the south, according to a statement released by NATO, a man in an Afghan military uniform turned his weapon on coalition and Afghan forces, killing two.

The statement said that the shooter was also killed. Taliban militants have claimed the responsibilities for the attacks. These attacks come at the time when Afghanistan is on the threshold of second phase of transition of security responsibility.

Officials have said that the transition will likely take place in 17 regions of the country. NATO officials have also stressed that the transition is irreversible. They may make it as an irreversible process, but it must be said that ensuring security for Afghan people must be a principle to guide their decisions and this transition.

Transition per se runs void of meaning if it does not lead to improvement of security situation or if it results in deterioration of security or if, as a result of this process, Taliban can easily target Afghan people and claim their lives.

Instead of trumpeting this process as success or as indication of capability of Afghan security forces, it is better to have a realistic and more people-centric approach to it; to protect Afghan people against the forces of evil that try to use any vacuum of forces to kill innocent people to satisfy their atrocious sense of violence-mongering and meet the demands of their foreign bosses.

The increasing attacks by the cruel insurgents show that the transition is becoming misleading and not in synch with ground realities under which the Taliban and other insurgents are able to exercise violence against government institutions, foreign forces and Afghan people freely.