Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Ending Libya’s Deadlock is Not an Easy Task

Seemingly, ending to 42-year old rule of Muammer Gaddafi is not an easy task to be carried out by structurally unorganized and technically untrained and inexperienced rebels. And, meanwhile, Gaddafi loyalists are also not in a position to force rebellions to accept negotiation. Gaddafi is still enough strong and has a large portion of military with himself along with huge light and heavy arms and weapons. Thus, he is not ready, at least now, to leave power and surrender it to opposition who represent Libyans. He will resist till NATO has not shown seriousness to step up its military engagement in the country.

With the current in effect UN Security Council mandate, which only authorizes international community to strike Libyan air force and heavy arms aimed genuinely for protection of civilians, Gaddafi is hopeful to strike back opposition.

More than a month passed when United Nation approved the resolution, but till Libyan armies loyal to President Muammer severely resists against rebellions attack and fire them back. The process of this situation has increasingly swelled civilians' casualties as there were reports that military had used cluster bombs, however, it was firmly rejected by officials and called them ridicules.

But the global support and universal sympathy for oppositions has set them in a position that they are not coming short of their initial demand—unconditional resignation and step down of Gaddafi. They are in view that they are in a better position to determine terms and condition of discussion or negotiation. On Tuesday, April 19, 2011 Libya's rebel president said, during a visit to Rome in which Italy said the opposition could be aided with military equipment and foreign oil sales, Muammar Gaddafi can only be toppled by force. Mustafa Abdel Jalil said after talks with foreign minister Franco Frattini, "Gaddafi will never give up power except by force". He also thanked France, Italy and Qatar—the three countries that have officially recognized Liyba's opposition.

A possible measure that can end to current deadlock is raising military engagement in Libya through providing funds to opposition and training them to efficiently utilize their arms and weapons. And this measure, in turn, is risky and politically costly. As Khaled Kayim, Gaddafi's deputy foreign minister criticized the Anglo-French decision to send a team of military advisers for opposition in Benghazi. He added that the decision was a clear violation of UN Security Council remit.