Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

Infiltration into Afghan Army

In the post-Taliban Afghanistan, the government has declared establishment and expansion of Afghan national security forces as its biggest achievement on the way to reconstruct the country. A decade later than establishment of the interim government, there are still substantial challenges ahead for Afghanistan and its international military partners.

Following a decade of all-out efforts and huge spending, the country remains highly insecure and the military function is considered extremely significant for saving the achievements and meeting the goals. The government under president Karzai is trying to encourage its international backing allies to hand over more responsibilities to the Afghan administration and pave the way for a proper and secure withdrawal.

Subsequent to President's announcement on the occasion of Afghan New Year, the hard job of keeping security will shortly be handed over to the Afghan security forces. This is today's burning question for Afghans and the international community present here.

But to what extent the optimistic announcement will prove accurate? With the US forces beginning to withdraw few months later, Afghan government will be highly challenged to address security concerns in the country. Huge amounts of money, forming a bulk of the fund spent on Afghanistan, have been allocated to security sector in the country but less productive results have been achieved so far.

The increasing insurgency, government's inability to take over the mission and the NATO countries willingness to pull back their troops have led to a severe and tense environment for Afghan nationals and the government. This doesn't indicate denial of improvements made in building Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).

The forces have increased in terms of number but not satisfactory performance is seen achieved by ANSF. Analysts had previously warned that without the Western military presence, president Karzai's government would soon collapse. The problem is caused by multiple factors. In addition to inefficient training, lack of equipment, ethnic conflicts – as reports had disclosed -, divergent decision making process at the top security level and unsustainable funding sources, infiltration of insurgent groups inside our forces are of the main concerns for the government, the nation and the international community.

Focusing extraordinarily on the number of Afghan forces, the government and international community has paid less heed to how they will function once the international forces leave the country. Such disappointing incidents will put the achievements further in jeopardy. So, the government need to make sure ANSF are enough capable, responsible and safe against infiltrating attempts.