Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Trust Building Between Af-Pak is a Must for Peace

Considering that the peace talks has reached a critical phase, engagement with more Afghans across the country on how to achieve a negotiated political settlement that brings a durable peace looks inevitable. All stakeholders hold that such consultations are of utmost importance to reach a sustainable peace in the country.
Role of Pakistan in Bringing Taliban to the Negotiation Table
Pakistan is one of the Main stakeholders of the Peace talks. As a result, focusing on improving the relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of building further international consensus for peace is one of the key objectives of Kahalilzad in the Peace talks. It is self-explanatory that the peace in Afghanistan will provide opportunities for regional connectivity and development that both countries will benefit from them. However, improvement in Pak-Afghan relations has often been hampered by mistrust and reciprocal accusations by both sides. Anyhow, both sides are hopeful that years of mistrust can be replaced by mutual trust and cooperation toward peace. Although, Pakistan has offered support to US efforts to broker an end to America’s longest-ever war and is also willing to play a role in persuading Taliban to meet Afghan officials, but Afghanistan has been skeptical about the Pakistan’s sincerity in the Peace talks and encouraging Taliban for direct negotiations with Kabul.
Urgent Need to Develop a Trust Building Mechanism
President Ghani’s visit from Islamabad on June 27 for talks on improving Pak-Afghan relations that are often hampered by mistrust and reciprocal accusations is a golden opportunity for both sides to develop a joint trust building mechanism to overcome the historical mistrust between the two nations for the good of them. President Ghani and Prime Minister Imran Khan can change this visit to be positive to become a base to replace the years of mistrust by mutual trust and cooperation toward peace. If they reach to such an agreement, as peace talks have entered to a new stage and Afghans must be engaged more than ever, it will enable the Afghan government for an intra-Afghan dialogue to achieve a negotiated political settlement that brings a durable peace in Afghanistan.
Afghan peace talks continue to progress and preparations are under way for intra-Afghan negotiations as now as an essential part of this process. Mr. Khalilzad has already met members of the National Unity Government, political leaders, civil society, and women to discuss progress in US efforts to facilitate an inclusive peace process. There is no doubt that Pakistan plays a vital role in the talks. As a result, President Ghani’s visit from Islamabad can be a crucial moment for the talks if both sides can overcome the longstanding mistrust between the two countries. Trust building between the two countries is difficult, but achievable and can ensure a negotiated political settlement that brings a durable peace not only in Afghanistan but in the region.

brings a durable peace looks inevitable. All stakeholders hold that such consultations are of utmost importance to reach a sustainable peace in the country.
Role of Pakistan in Bringing Taliban to the Negotiation Table
Pakistan is one of the Main stakeholders of the Peace talks. As a result, focusing on improving the relations between Afghanistan and Pakistan as part of building further international consensus for peace is one of the key objectives of Kahalilzad in the Peace talks. It is self-explanatory that the peace in Afghanistan will provide opportunities for regional connectivity and development that both countries will benefit from them. However, improvement in Pak-Afghan relations has often been hampered by mistrust and reciprocal accusations by both sides. Anyhow, both sides are hopeful that years of mistrust can be replaced by mutual trust and cooperation toward peace. Although, Pakistan has offered support to US efforts to broker an end to America’s longest-ever war and is also willing to play a role in persuading Taliban to meet Afghan officials, but Afghanistan has been skeptical about the Pakistan’s sincerity in the Peace talks and encouraging Taliban for direct negotiations with Kabul.
Urgent Need to Develop a Trust Building Mechanism
President Ghani’s visit from Islamabad on June 27 for talks on improving Pak-Afghan relations that are often hampered by mistrust and reciprocal accusations is a golden opportunity for both sides to develop a joint trust building mechanism to overcome the historical mistrust between the two nations for the good of them. President Ghani and Prime Minister Imran Khan can change this visit to be positive to become a base to replace the years of mistrust by mutual trust and cooperation toward peace. If they reach to such an agreement, as peace talks have entered to a new stage and Afghans must be engaged more than ever, it will enable the Afghan government for an intra-Afghan dialogue to achieve a negotiated political settlement that brings a durable peace in Afghanistan.
Afghan peace talks continue to progress and preparations are under way for intra-Afghan negotiations as now as an essential part of this process. Mr. Khalilzad has already met members of the National Unity Government, political leaders, civil society, and women to discuss progress in US efforts to facilitate an inclusive peace process. There is no doubt that Pakistan plays a vital role in the talks. As a result, President Ghani’s visit from Islamabad can be a crucial moment for the talks if both sides can overcome the longstanding mistrust between the two countries. Trust building between the two countries is difficult, but achievable and can ensure a negotiated political settlement that brings a durable peace not only in Afghanistan but in the region.