Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Call for No-fly Zone over Syria

The cost of Arab spring is spirally rising in Syria as pro-democracy protests face deadly crackdown by Bashar al-Assad regime. According to available reports, around hundred people were just killed last Friday and Saturday. There are growing demands for Libyaization of Syria as protestors last Friday asked the United Nation Security Council to approve no-fly zone over the country. Since the start of uprising in mid-march this year, more than three thousand people have been killed by regime's loyal security forces.

However, there were efforts to avoid armed struggle, due to possible high humanitarian cost, but seemingly protestors came into understanding that a confrontation is inevitable.

Now there are symptoms of growing armed struggle against the regime as armies who avoided shooting civilians have joined people and frequently attack fellows remained loyal to Assad's regime.

In addition, Syrian activists on Sunday, October 30, urged Arab league to freeze the country's membership in the 22-members organization. The appeal was made by the Syrian Revolution 2011, which is recognized as the motors of dissent. "Bashar al-Assad's militias have been killing us for eight months. They arrest us and crush us. And you, Arab, who love rhetoric, what are you doing?"

Is this a sign of growing change and deepening of hatred from Bashar al Assad's regime over deadly crackdowns and indiscriminate firings toward protestors? Months ago, they were not ready to ask an aerial engagement as that of Liyba's, but now they openly ask for intervention, at least part of them.

It is noteworthy to mention: NATO succeeded in Libya and no-fly zone resolution of United Nations Security Council for protecting civilians worked out well. Now it is about to pull out of the country, which has created opportunity for NATO members to assess similar mission in other parts of the world.

Presently the situation of Syria is far more dangerous for civilians in comparison to Libya's, though Bashar al –Assad says he fights terrorism. Now, the call for a foreign aerial intervention by civilians, and termination of NATO's mission in Libya has alarmed Damascus.

In an interview with UK-based Sunday's telegraph newspaper, Mr. Assad has warned western countries of committing a mistake of interfering to his country's domestic affair. He said that intervention would prove catastrophic and shake the entire region, because Syria was not Yemen or Libya. Though he warned, but his statement shows that he himself was worried of possible intervention.

In the upcoming future, the pressure would be further mounted as the country over deadly crackdowns may lose help of countries that have yet prevented any tough measure against the country.