Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

What are Factors of Backwardness in Afghanistan?

Comparing to the current world advancement, it is obvious that Afghanistan has remained as one of the least developed countries in the world. However, since the collapse of the Taliban government in 2001, the economy has been growing but it was too steadily due to political and climate challenges in the country. According to experts and also according to the recent world band reports, the security threats, political challenges, lack of infrastructure, drought and endemic corruption have been the main factors hampering economic and social development in Afghanistan. Among these, the continued violence, political instability and chorionic drought could severely dampen investment and growth. So, any rapid decline in international aid flows would drive difficult fiscal and external adjustments and undermine the capacity of government to maintain basic services. On the other hand, the ongoing peace talks may unlock substantial investment and growth if they lead to a comprehensive and sustained improvement in security.
Given the increasing awareness of Afghan people from its position in the current world advancement, the public opinion seems becoming more sensitive about the retrogressive factors and barriers of this issue. Few ago in a gathering, the second vice president insisted on unbelieving of Taliban on peace, prosperity and security. He argued in era of the Taliban government Millions of people were deprived of the right to education and freedom. During the past year, the educational centers were systematically targeted with suicide attacks but the worst of which was attack on Mawood educational center. The last attack on education centers or academic centers was on Kabul university students that dozens of students and civilian were killed and wounded. The brutal killing of innocent people, including children, women, and men are never acceptable at any reason. These blind attacks indicate that Taliban and its favoring groups are naturally hostile to progress and development. Based on the current public opinion, Afghans neither want to repeats the past mistakes and neither wants to remain back from the convoy of world civilization.
In fact, Afghans reject the Islamic Emirate and other extremists groups because they are opposing to social and political development in the country. As Afghans tries to develop further, the Taliban are doing their utmost to bring people back for the dark centuries; Form their view, the best age in human history is the age of prophet of Islam. The interpretation of the Taliban from that age, unlike all other views, it had been the best age for humans not only in terms of content but also in terms of appearance, and should be a model for today’s era. Even the manner of dressing, social custom and Arabic traditions, which was very a primitive product of that age, not oracle root, must be the model for today’s Muslim life. Therefore, they struggle to convince or force temporary human to 1400 years ago. The best evidence of this is the rule of Taliban regime in the late 20th century.
One of the very controversial and shallow understandings of extremist groups is emphasis of deprivation of women from freedom and humanitarian rights. However, according to moderate Islamic understanding and theoretical sources there is no logical bases on what they insist. In the era of Taliban,   Women as half of society, were deprived of education, and did not have the right to go outside of their home without their family members. Moreover, universities and schools were to teach special education curriculum and were not allowed to educate them with new books and humanitarian values. Thus, there was no media in Afghanistan, except the government Sharia Radio, which only covered the publication of Taliban news and press releases of the group’s commanders. Anything that represented the civilization and progress was fully forbidden, and the perpetrators were simply sentenced to death.
Nevertheless, there is now a false belief as it is trying to surrender everything and everyone by force to the Taliban. Some of the recent cases and unilateral moves have largely contributed to the Taliban’s interests and willing to submit the system to Taliban and ignore everything they did in the past or would do in the future. The Taliban figures, which were viewed as a complete symbol of terrorism, backwardness and ignorance, have now changed to a symbol of peace. However, the world of politics has such a feature and miracle, but we should not forget that the people of Afghanistan know these faces more than anyone else. They have personally seen how they are intrinsically on contrary to peace and development.
In addition to the Taliban and extremist factors regarding backwardness issue, there are some other factors which are usually highlighted by Afghan new generations. These can comprise of weak political culture, ethnical extremism, lack of higher education development, lack of accountability and lack of political national leaders who can open the path to development and eradicate the barriers. Meanwhile, the geopolitical location of Afghanistan has largely been blamed for contribution to the political crisis while it can reversely change to economical opportunities. However, the last factor has greatly received the attention during the national unity government. As a result, transitionally, Afghanistan is not any more a landlocked and dependent country to Pakistan in terms of reaching to Karachi seaport.
Anyhow, given the current political awareness and serious threats of extremist groups, Afghanistan lies at a crossing route towards modernization or retrogression. If Afghanistan is surrendered to an ignorant group, it will take a long time to return it to the current stage. Therefore, the government and political leaders are expected to prioritize their historic responsibility over their personal interests and never retreat from their righteous national position against Taliban.