Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Prospects of Trilateral Summit

There are indications that the trilateral summit of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Turkey has concluded positively, but the real outcomes can only be gauged after the promised commitments are carried out properly especially of the ones between Afghanistan and Pakistan. Though, it is not right to expect that the promises made in the summit between Afghanistan and Pakistan would doom to the same destiny as the earlier ones, the pervious practices leave no option but to expect so.

This trilateral summit was concluded on Tuesday i.e. November 01, 2011 and was proposed and hosted by Turkey. Along with the presidents of the three countries the military chief and foreign and interior ministers of Afghanistan and Pakistan participated in the conference.

Apart form discussing certain issues regarding efforts for peace process in Afghanistan and cooperation in certain fields, especially security, the discussion was mainly focused on the investigation about the assassination of High Peace Council Chief Burhan ud din Rabbani.

President Gul of Turkey mentioned, "One of the most important conclusions of this summit is the decision made by Pakistan and Afghanistan to establish a cooperation mechanism to illuminate the assassination of ex-Afghan President Rabbani."

President Karzai also commented in the same regard, "We were hurt badly by the assassination of Rabbani. I hope this cooperation will produce results," and President Zardari affirmed, "Along with Afghanistan, Pakistan has also suffered immensely on account of terrorism. W

e, therefore, remain firm in our resolve to eliminate this menace," It would definitely be a great cooperation if both the countries get into some mechanism for investigation of assassination of Prof. Burhan ud din Rabbani. This could prove to be a starting point to re-establish ties between the two countries and may, in the long run, result in better strategic relationship and cooperation.

The efforts of Turkey in this regard must be appreciated. This particular summit, if does not help much, has already proved to be an endeavor to bring the Afghan and Pakistani authorities close to each other so that they can sit together and resolve their differences, which have been great hindrance in the way to bring peace and tranquility in the region.

It is hoped and has also been mentioned by President Gul, "This cooperation will help improve mutual trust between the two countries. All it requires is a commitment from both the sides, especially Pakistan, to make the promises change the ground realities not just embellish the talks on tables.