Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Sunday, June 30th, 2024

No Less Than Quitting Power

According to many politicians and analysts in Syria, the government of long time President Assad is enjoying its last moments in power. The opposition, political activists and human rights organizations say, Bashar Al-Asad didn't like but was forced to concede some of the reforms that Syrians were denied from since his Father, Hafiz Assad, came to power following 1963 coup d'état. Before unrests erupted in Syria, Syrian long time President Bashar al-Assad told reporters that the public opinion towards government in his country was different from that in other Arab countries. He declared that his government enjoyed citizens' consent and support. But his optimist view didn't last longer.

Shortly after exasperating waves of protests in many Arab countries, Asad's regime was rocked by angry protests. Although he then told the country's parliament that Syria will defeat those behind a "plot" against his country, everything changed rapidly for Iran's Middle Eastern ally. Assad has taken certain steps which are aimed at placating more than a month of unprecedented protests across Syria.

In the first move, he appointed Adel Safar as the country's new Prime Minister and called for forming a new government. In addition, he promised to free scores of people detained in a wave of protests against the government. In the biggest move to put into practice the promised reforms, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Thursday issued decrees ending nearly five decades of emergency law, abolishing state security courts and allowing citizens to protest peacefully, state television reported. The announcements made successively in news flashes on state television said Assad was ending the emergency law imposed when the ruling Baath Party seized power in 1963 as well as the state security courts.

A third decree said citizens would be granted "the right to peacefully demonstrate" and noted that this is one of the "basic human rights guaranteed by the Syrian constitution." But Assad appeasement policies seem to have encountered failure. A day after President Bashar al-Assad's conciliatory move by signing a decree to lift emergency rule, Syria braced for more protests Friday. Human rights groups said the demonstrations on Friday would prove a test case for Assad and his reforms. Some Syrian rights activists welcomed Assad's action but called for more changes while a key cyber activist insisted the people now want regime change.

Following recent developments in other Arab countries, the protests have, so far, achieved bulk of the objectives provoked by long tyrannical practices of undemocratic regimes. Since the beginning of the year, Arab nations could get more political awareness and courage than any other time. So, they'd prefer not to concede so easily. Thus, Syria will surely continue seeing further stages of public demonstrations and international pressures on Assad government to abide by the public demands to quit power.