Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Women Empowerment As a Human Rights Issue

Afghan women make tremendous contributions to the development of their communities. In fact, they exert considerable impact on the productivity of male workers. Afghan women, because of their multiple roles have significant control over the subsistence lives of their communities. They perform reproductive roles of child bearing and rearing. They are also engaged in productive activities like trading, weaving, farming, etc for the production of income and other day-to-day maintenance of thie homes Although, women have always participated in development, their efforts have been neglected.
But Afghan women, as mothers will continue to be procreators of human. There is no society in the world that can be complete without a woman. This means development in Afghan society will never make any progress if women’s roles are not acknowledged. This shows that women are an eqully important resource for development as men are. Thus, no development goal can be achived without full participation of women in the country.
Sadly, in Afghansitan, role of women in different areas have usually been neglected. It is generally believed that in Afghanistan, men and women play complimentary roles. However, if the activity profile of men and women are assessed, it will show that about 80% of the work is done by women. It is therefore sad to say that in Afghanistan, half of the society is neglected. The question then is how can the people that contribute the most to the daily activities that keep the society going be marginalized? 
How to Tackle Women Marginalization in Afghanistan
After Bonn Agreement, Afghanistan has taken bold steps to empower women. However, we are on at the beginnig of the road. As women empowerment is a multidimensional process Afghan government shall develop startegies to address the existential factors hampering the full development of the potentials of the Afghan women.
The key to achieving high standards in women’s empowerment in Afghanistan lies in women education. Education helps women to develop skills and self confidence. It also enables them to participate effectively in the society. In Afghanistan, women have low education which retards them from participating actively in every aspect of social life. In fact, the low level of women’s education is often interpreted as low wisdom. As a result, women require to have education because they have the right to it, they have knowledge to share, they have dreams and with education they can improve life for both women and  men. After all,  women are all humans and should therefore have equal right to live happily and have fulfilment. This means that women must have much education just as the men.
In Afghanistan, women are more economically disadvantaged than men. Women generally lack real freedom to make rational choices because of lack of reasonable income security. Afghan Women cannot exercise their rights because they lack economic strength. Women have less access to agricultural assets, inputs and services. Women hardly have access to the resources that generate stable incomes. Thus, government shall devise strategies to address these gabs and enable women have full access to them and even they shall benefit form such opportunities baased on the affirmative Action as well.
Another strategy relates to the health status of women. Improving women’s health strengthens their economic empowerment, enhances access to reproductive information and services. Therefore, governemnt policies and programmes should be put in place to enable women live healthier lives. Gender-equitable approaches to health should be put in place to enable women have easy access to health care services.
In Afghanistan, in general, women play multiple roles and have significant control over the subsistence lives of Afghans. They perform reproductive roles of child bearing and rearing. Further, they are engaged in productive activities like trading, farming, weaving, educating, etc. for the production of income and other daily maintenance of their homes. Altough women perform thsese outstanding contributions in the society, they still have second-rated position in the Afghan society. As a result, women need to be empowered. They need to have access to the mechanisms and processes of decision-making at the different levels.