Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

The Post-revolution Situation of Egypt

Tahrir Square is quiet a familiar name to people around the world. Perhaps, before the arrival of Arab Spring blowing wind from neighboring Tunisia, people had least information about the Square and did not know where it is located. But series of demonstrations and protests held against decades-old regime of Hosni Mubarak in Tahrir Square, everyone started talking about it.

It changed from an unknown place into a worldwide famous one, attracting annually thousands of international tourists to watch by their own eyes about the area once covered headlines and provided a delicious dish for press and Media.

In addition, the name Tahrir now can be seen on placards around the world. Even Occupy Wall Street Movement protestors were talking about changing a park into a Tahrir Square. So, briefly, it can be claimed with certainty that though Arab Spring was started from Tunisia but caught eyes in Tahrir Square.

Those demonstrations that kicked the name Tahrir into high-level of reputation ended decades long rule of Hosni Mubarak, which has been reflected as the end of dictatorship in the history of the country. It meant for many that thereafter would not be any other Mobarak, instead Egyptians will have president and prime Minister elected through a transparent democratic process.

What was the reason of that optimism?

The civilian uprising in Egypt, the biggest country and important one in Middle East, experienced a transfer of power. Though there were economic and human losses, certainly the loss was not in extent that could outweigh the grand achievement of Egyptians. When President Mobarak called the army to interfere, it signed the death of his regime with his own hands. Because the Egyptian troops confronted with a warm welcome of protestors and they avoided to shoot those who were hugging them in love.

But it seems a problem has occurred.

After collapse of Mobarak, regime the military took the lead to restore civil order in the country and protestors welcomed the move too.

Now many feel that troops are engaged in strengthening their rule over the country and deem the process as revival of dictatorship.

These days the Tahrir Square once again embraces people. Released reports indicate of severe clashes among people and security forces. This is terrible. People ended the authoritarian regime, but now they are paying more sacrifices for leading the revolution towards its intended objectives.