Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Cause of Exclusion and Source of Conflict

Afghanistan is reeling from contracted challenges. There are new challenges coming to the surface. Both old and new are of both internal and external nature. Internally, the problems are not rooted just in the management or leadership; they also come from the social structures and political systems and power configurations. Over the last ten years, Afghan people continued to suffer from violence exercised by cruel insurgents and militants.

The fact that Afghan government was unable to establish its writ in every corner of the country is indicative of the weakness of the leadership and policies that have been put in place and implemented.

But the fact that power structure has been unitary and prone to being manipulated to exclude one or another group gives rise to new challenges.

Weak leadership and management on one side and not tailor-made power set-up on the other compound each other, which in turn together reduce the ability of international forces to stabilize and bring peace to the country.

Afghanistan was catapulted into the center of huge attention. It went through ten-year opportunity with availability of abundant resources and aid money. But unfortunately not many visible changes are seen to have happened to the lives of Afghan people.

As part of old ills, the neighboring countries did not hesitate to continue to support the forces of destruction in Afghanistan.

Now that Afghanistan is getting closer to signing strategic agreements with some major western powers, they are expressing concerns to pave the way for granting legitimacy to their continued support for forces of disruption.

Due to poor leadership in the country and lack of active diplomacy by the government, the neighbors take it for granted that Afghanistan to remain a field for competition and this filed is to be deprived of stability and peace.

Thanks to Dominic Medley,the NATO civilian representative spokesman, who in a bid to dispel the rising concerns of our so-called neighbors, told a joint press conference with ISAF spokesman Carsten Jacobson on Tuesday, November 22, 2011 in Kabul: "NATO has always insisted that neighboring countries need not to worry about the presence of foreign soldiers in Afghanistan."

It is hoped that all these challenges are considered as international community is working out a plan for another ten years in Afghanistan.

In order to engage all a democratic political game and include all into power structure at different levels, decentralize power. A centralized power system in a diverse society like Afghanistan could easily lead to exclusion, which is the main source of conflict in a divided society.