Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Need for Representation of Various Views in Bonn Two

Many of the achievements and progresses made over the last ten years since the fall of hard-line regime of Taliban in late 2001 are direct results of the presence of international community in Afghanistan, which contributed to the development of an open democratic space. The presence of more than 40 countries in Afghanistan inspired freedom by championing the growth and expansion of democratic organizations and civic institutions, which in turn led to unleashing Afghans' potential across the spectrum.

In fact, the last ten years of international community's presence rendered the opportunity available for Afghan people to employ their potentials in order to contribute the progresses in the country in one way or another.

Some of the achievements are down to the imperatives of Afghanistan's interactions with different people and organizations with different cultural backgrounds. Afghan people received exposure to the world's experiences of democratization and democratic development.

In addition, Afghan people do not want to return to the past and they want to adapt to a democratic space and learn how to play in a democratic game with the help of international community. So the continued presence and commitment of international community in another next ten years will be of paramount importance to provide Afghans with techniques, skills and knowledge to move their country to a solid point of irreversibility and democratic consolidation. So as Afghan people prepare to work with the US, European Union, NATO and some regional countries for another ten years, they must also get ready to help them effectively and in a concerted fashion.

Afghan government and international community are coming together in Bonn on December 5 to discuss the achievements of last ten years and chart out a roadmap for a decade to come. The Bonn 2 Conference must serve as a forum to review, highlight and learn from the failures of the past ten years and, therefore, must go beyond a stage for Afghan president to count or list and monopolize the credit for some apparent achievements.

But unfortunately Afghan government has gathered views and recommendations from across political and civil society spectrum. The government has not put the agenda for Bonn Conference to public debate as well. Some major political groups and coalitions in the country criticize president Karzai's failure to seek views from Afghans in the preparation for Bonn Two.

For example, the leader of Change and Hope Coalition, Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, president Karzai's main contender in the 2009 presidential election, has said in an interview with Pajhwok News Agency, "The global fraternity will widely attend the conference, a golden opportunity for Afghans to project their needs.

But I am concerned about the inadequate homework." He has said,"Our participation in the conference is not an issue of great importance, but our views and suggestions should have been taken into account."

Also, the National Front of Afghanistan, which is emerging as the largest political alliance in the country of some major political parties with broad support base and with articulated political agenda has also called for adequate representation of political parties and civil society organizations to this international summit on Afghanistan.

So for international community to make sure that their presence and assistance to Afghan people in the next ten years are effective, they must make sure that political parties and civil society organizations as well as various views are well represented to the Bonn Conference.