Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Syria Tries to Scale Down Pressure

As time goes on, the pressure is ratcheting up against Syrian government to stop crackdown and meet demands of protestors. By each passing day, civilian casualties go up and more people face persecution by security forces. According to United Nations' Security Council, more than 3,500 people have been killed. But the violence has not calmed protestors and they voice anti-government slogans with further courage and stubbornness.

Meanwhile, Mr. President Bashar-ul-Assad has not retreated from a strong position and brand protestors as terrorists. During past eight months, there were several pro-government protests largely broadcasted by State-run Medias.

The recent pro-government protests held in Dumascus, where thousands of people participated and attacked several Arabian countries' embassies to show their anger against Arab-League decision—withholding Syrian membership. These protests have not restored the reputation of the government.

They reflected as government-organized demonstrations and were not spontaneous. What has angered many across the world is brutal crackdown of protestors. Though, previously, Syria agreed with the resolution of Arab League to call armors from country's streets back, stop violence and start negotiation with oppositions, but it did not happen.

Right after signing the agreement, armor-backed security forces rolled into and fired towards protestors indiscriminately. As a result, member countries withhold its membership, but Damascus officials criticized the measure and said that they did not wait for a time period required for the realization of the commitments.

In addition, there is change in attitude as well as demand of protestors. Initially, people were asking for economic and political reformation which paved way for democracy. But now they ask for resignation of Bashar-al-Assad and elimination of government. They maintain with the presence of current officials in government, democracy would not be realized and justice will not be tried to those who have been involved in protestors' murders.

Moreover, protestors initially believed in a kind of smooth and peaceful transition, but as days go on the concept of an armed opposition find larger supporters. Army defectors attacking Bashar-Al-Assad loyalists and an anti-government establishment is emerging.

Thus, considering a growing global anti-government consensus against the country, Syria has decided to take steps in order to lessen pressure. It has agreed "in principle" to allow an Arab League observer mission into the country. A Syrian official said Damascus has agreed to the mission but was still going over the details.