Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Taliban Declare Jihad Against their Muslim Fellows After Peace Deal

The Taliban group appears emboldened after signing the peace deal with the United States in Qatar as it has declared “jihad” against Afghan people. The group had ended reduction in violence ushering in escalated militancy and filling the air with horror.
The US-Taliban peace deal could not mitigate militancy in Afghanistan despite proclaiming in the very title of the document that it was an “Agreement for Bringing Peace to Afghanistan between the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which is not recognized by the United States as a state and is known as the Taliban and the United States of America”. It indicates that the Taliban group, which has been ousted of from power in 2001, has nearly re-entered the corridors of power less than two decades later.
The text of the deal also gives little indication of how to achieve reconciliation between the Kabul government and the Taliban group, which also kept an ambiguity on issues relating to women’s rights and the future make-up of the Afghan state and its political system. Afghans are particularly concerned about this ambiguity since the Taliban violated human rights in the past and gave fanatical interpretation of Islamic law. They yet to accept the legitimacy of the Afghan government as the representative of the people of Afghanistan in the talks as the US-Taliban agreement refers to the Kabul government as “Afghan sides”. 
The US-Taliban deal contains no provision for a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire in the country, simply listing such a ceasefire as an agenda item for future discussion. One said that might better be seen as a “withdrawal agreement” rather than “peace agreement”.
The Taliban seem to use violence as bargaining leverage to get more concessions at the negotiating table. The Taliban group, which has interpreted the deal with Washington as its “victory”, intend to put military pressure on the Afghan government although military deal was proved abortive within the last 18 years.
Douglas London, a former CIA officer who was its head of counterterrorism in South and Southwest Asia, is cited as saying, “The Taliban won’t agree to a ceasefire anytime soon over concern that fighters would not return from prolonged break, or some could switch allegiance to ISIS.”
The talk of a complete exit makes some veteran officers nervous. At various points in the war, military planners looking forward to the moment of a peace deal have calculated how small they could shrink the force and still fight terrorist threats and shore up the Kabul government.
A former top commander of NATO said that if the US wanted to also continue some training of the Afghan forces, 5,000 troops are needed. According to him, more important than troops, potentially, is the willingness of the international community to continue to finance the Afghan government after a peace deal.
Despite the deal, the Taliban still seek to continue their destructive and deadly activities as they have started abducting travelers on highways. That is, civilians have been used as a both human shelter and a means of pressure on the Afghan government, which is both nationally and internationally unlawful.
To one’s unmitigated chagrin, the Taliban did not and will not honor the humanitarian law and would continue targeting civilians. With this in mind, Afghans are more concerned about the peace deal, which could neither put an end to their sacrifices nor mitigate their pain and suffering.
If the Taliban seek to bargain over higher prices at the peace table with the Afghan negotiating team, especially through targeting civilians, Ulema Council and religious scholars have to declare jihad against the Taliban group, the only option remained for the people of Afghanistan to dismantle the group. In other words, since the Taliban declared “jihad” against Afghan people, the nation has to continue with the tit-for-tat mechanism. The Taliban should note that if jihad is declared against them by Afghan Shiite and Sunni religious scholars, they would no more survive. Thus, the Taliban have to avoid triggering a civil unrest and should stop escalating their militancy and declaring jihad against their own compatriots.
Declaring “jihad” against their own Muslim fellows is ridiculous and indicates the Taliban’s ignorance and anti-religious practices. The fact is that the Taliban have constantly capitalized on religious terminology to continue their terrorist activities.
The Taliban group will be deemed as a terrorist network for Afghan people unless they lay their arms down and integrate into the Afghanistan’s political system. If the Taliban do not reduce their violence and trigger public rage, a public backlash will be shown against them to make the group a real loser.