Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Reaction Against Iran’s Nuclear Program

The recent report of IAEA about Tehran's suspicious nuclear program has shifted international community's leaders inches nearer to hold a united front against the country. Though China and Russia, the two very important countries, have somehow large economic relation with the Islamic Republic and still resist severe punitive measures, they are not convinced that the country is really following a nuclear program. In opposition to tough measure against the country, instead they want to solve the problem through diplomatic ways, though they were tried but proved useless according to some western top officials.

Disappointed of persuading China and Russia over passing another round of punitive resolution, US, UK and Canada have started acting individually. Just few days ago, these countries announced they would cut ties with financial institutions, including central bank.

In response, Tehran officials reacted strongly against the move and said the country would not back down from its nuclear program. President Mahmoud Ahmadinijad has said that Iranian nation would not back down an iota on its right to nuclear energy.

Anyhow, these verbal controversies are not new and they have been continuing since long.

The important thing is to understand why the program has fuelled controversy and remained suspicious?

There are many things fuelling suspicion and tossing dusts over the program's transparency. The first factor is the question regarding the nuclear enrichment program, "Why Tehran is ready to pay a high cost for it while it can easily buy enriched uranium from allies like Russia in cheaper rate to use for the so-called peaceful purposes of electricity, medical and etc?"

Moreover, it has large natural resources and is not in need of other energy resources. It can easily use its natural resources to provide it with necessary energy deficits, if it exists.

Secondly, there were secret nuclear sites which were just recently revealed. So, if Tehran officials are not really following a nuclear military project, why they resort to measures which further spark global suspicion.

In addition, what have further dominated the program are provocative steps of Tehran of ignoring global calls to withhold or postpone the program in order to provide further transparency.

As a result, negotiations have ended to nothing and the ruling "warfare condition" moves towards a military option. Tel Aviv officials more than ever highlights a military strike as viewing that diplomatic efforts would not stop Tehran's nuclear program. Likewise, Tehran political and military officials more than ever alarm Israel and its allies of committing mistake and striking the country, saying that start of war maybe in the hand of Tel Aviv and its allies but it would be Iran that would determine the end of it.