Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Committed Cabinet Can Meet the Public Expectations

When nature fails to send rain crops devastate, people run for food, but when citizen fails to support a selected government, people run for state, crises appear. It is the ultimate consequence of fail.  Nevertheless, Afghanistan is one of the countries that has experienced fractional war, crossed different deep crises and witnessed ruling different regimes since its beginning. Formerly, the country was under command of unconditional monarchy system, then controlled by dictatorship governments and lastly democratic ones. 
Furthermore, Afghanistan has a long history but it is an undeveloped country with a population of nearly 32 million. After   the collapse of Taliban from power in 2001, the country could breathe and got a better life; many positive changes have taken place in different sectors at different levels. However, still the country is suffering from bureaucracy, lack of strong, efficient public administrators and corruption. 
Corruption in Afghanistan has become a threat to national security, which has threatened the legitimacy of the Afghan government. Afghan government needs a professional team with strong political leadership committed to fight against administrative - dishonesty, ethnical discrimination, non-transparency and inefficiency to strengthen effective administrative system, and sustainable development. Surely, the coming cabinet would act as an engine of development for Afghanistan. In this circumstance, team and partnership, working is very crucial for the success of the new administration. Because, the country needs to practice modern working strategy today, successful financial operations system, generate projects, create jobs and greater earning power for all.  It means the government should adopt and track a set of metrics to measure their quality of work to address the gaps, build trust and support transparency, in order to make possible the happening of profound changes which are essential for the country future life. For the reason, the new cabinet must form from those characters that are excellent initiators, committed, dedicated, and believe to a sustainable. At the same time, the implementation of rule of law should be the prerequisite criteria for everyone who has been nominated for the top ranking posts; General Directors, Ministers, Governors - to ensure good governance in Afghanistan.
Afghan citizens expect a working cabinet should have come into existence to undertake the functions of well planning, preparing a road map for economic development, and providing sources of information on public administration. Draft standards, techniques of an effective public administration and establish operative coordination between the world community and the country. Nonetheless, people wish the new cabinet generate new opportunities, and decrease. In particular, due to new national and international realities and events which are going on about Afghanistan, the new cabinet must be flexible for changes that would come, including reconciliation.
Afghanistan needs some serious reforms currently. These efforts will not be successful unless the average citizens feel the system is fair and just and the rules are clear and transparent.  The public must be certain that high administrators would serve the people rather than for their own client or head of party. The key to overcome non - transparency in the state is the high officials who are responsible to deliver services for the people and shall put the interest of public first. In terms of recruitments, the administration should take high competitive process based on the employees’ ability, soft skills and competency. Afghan government shall take strong steps in the areas of centralized economic planning, development and execution of development programs. The government shall design some projects, particularly projects for undeveloped provinces and marginalized communities, the promotion, management of industrial growth, meet the basic needs of citizens through the provision of social services, economic opportunities and social welfare programs.
Finally, it is expected that the new cabinet should approach their tasks with creativity and persuasiveness. Each senior administrator must have some specific goals and tasks. Foremost among these assumptions should be the possibility and desirability of establishing a welfare Afghanistan. Strategies need to be formulated in terms of institutional development, resource flows, industrialization, social engineering and human resource development. International aid and technical cooperation should continue.