Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Tuesday, July 2nd, 2024

Afghanistan Must be Tactful

After the NATO attack on the Pakistani military post that resulted in the death of 24 Pakistani soldiers, the US-Pak relations are heading towards further deterioration. Pakistan has shown serious reaction to the event and has taken certain steps in this regard. It has disconnected the communication channels with NATO and has blocked the NATO supply routes which provided NATO with some of the basic supplies like fuel.

It has mentioned that it will definitely reconsider the approach towards NATO and cooperation in 'war against terrorism' and may boycott the Bonn II conference. It has asked US to evacuate the Shamsi base within two weeks time and Pakistani Prime Minister has mentioned clearly, "Business as usual will not be there."

As far as the attack is concerned, there are controversies regarding the opinion of Afghan and NATO troops on one side and of Pakistan on the other. NATO has mentioned that the attack was a reaction to the firings that they received from Pakistani side of the border during an Afghan-NATO joint operation against the terrorist in the bordering areas of Kunar.

Moreover, NATO has also mentioned that they are sorry for the Pakistani casualties. US has also mentioned condolence and has promised to carry out a fair investigation into the matter. An Afghan senior official has mentioned, "The most important point here is that they were receiving fire from the direction of that post."

Qari Ehsanullah Ehsan, a tribal leader from Kunar has mentioned, "These terrorist wear civilian clothes and then when they have done their attacks in Afghanistan they go to the Pakistani checkpoint. Some of them wear fake beards and then put on Pakistani military clothes when they finish their operations. The people of Kunar are happy. We have been telling the Americans for a long time that the Pakistanis are bringing the Taliban to our villages."

Pakistan in response to all these claims have clearly mentioned that the attack on the checkpoint were 'unprovoked' and lasted for few hours even after Pakistan had contacted NATO to stop the attacks. Moreover, Pakistani officials have claimed that there were no fires from Pakistani checkpoint on the NATO or Afghan forces.

There are many ambiguities which are yet to be resolved. Hopefully, the investigation that has been set will definitely work to remove these ambiguities and make the realities clear to everyone since this particular incident is going to have lasting impact not only the relations of US and Pakistan but it is going to affect the Afghan-Pak relations to a large extent.

There has been condolence from China through the foreign minister Yang Jiechi for the Pakistani soldiers who have been victimized by the attack. He has mentioned, "China is deeply shocked by these events, and expressing strong concern for the victims and profound condolences to Pakistan," and a foreign ministry spokesman has added, "China believes that Pakistan's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity should be respected and the incident should be thoroughly investigated and be handled properly."

For Afghanistan at this moment it is necessary that it should maintain strong relations with regional countries along with the Western allies. The neighboring countries should not feel that the country is being used for aggression on other countries. At this crucial moment Afghanistan must maintain strong diplomatic relations with Pakistan and handle the situation tactfully. Afghanistan and Pakistan are connected to each other in the war against terrorism in such a way that non of both can extract itself out of it without influencing the other and without putting an end to the entire phenomenon of terrorism. Nevertheless, Afghanistan must never sacrifice its national interests in the process.