Editor in Chief: Moh. Reza Huwaida Monday, July 1st, 2024

Taliban Will Not Win Through War

Streams of blood oozing from sliced throats and tears flowing from puffy eyes reflect the heart-wrenching stories of Afghan nation. Here, life is full of sorrow and disappointment. Carnage and bloodshed appear to be endless as far as the Taliban do not declare ceasefire. Militancy continues unabated despite the glimmer of hope emerged following the downfall of the Taliban’s regime and later the signing of peace deal between the Taliban and the United States.  
Afghans held out hope for two main reasons: First the Taliban’s regime was collapsed in late 2001. After the fall of the regime, Afghan people heaved a sigh of relief, crossed their fingers and hoped for the best. They believed that they were freed from the Taliban’s dogmatic mindsets, warped minds and violent practices. Similarly, Afghans celebrated the collapse of the Taliban’s dictatorial regime and never thought that they will again fall victim to their guerilla fighters. Second, the establishment of democratic government based on electoral system and endorsement of constitution filled the nation with a strong sense of delight. The constitution, which was approved in January 2004, was a milestone in the history of Afghanistan for stressing on human rights and dignity, denying distinction and discrimination on racial, religious and linguistic backgrounds, respecting the Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and forming a civil society void of violence and bloodshed.
A pregnant silence prevailed in the country; however, Afghan men, women and children who were suddenly freed from a gory issue did not stop to think about the terrible nightmare of the Taliban’s practices. No one believed it was the calm before the storm. Militancy resurfaced as the Taliban ragtag insurgents were reorganized and launched their attacks against Afghan soldiers and foreign forces. This incident did not only shock Afghan nation but also revealed the fact that the downfall of the Taliban’s regime was not their death knell – this was a strong blow to Afghans’ ambitious dream and shatter their hope tremendously.
With the Taliban’s intensified attacks, people believed that embracing democracy or establishing a democratic government overnight was no more than an absurd thought. In other words, the democratic process in Afghanistan, which was beset by three decades of war and violence, will move at a snail’s pace. The militant fighters were no more a simple movement with radical ideology but a strong political network seeking to continue a proxy war in the country.
On the one hand, the US-led NATO forces launched “the war on terror” along with Afghan soldiers but on the other hand, the Taliban reinforced their militant fighters and split the blood of innocent civilians, including women and children, under the pretext of sacred term of jihad, which was no more than a bogus claim. The war between Afghan government and NATO forces on one side and the Taliban fighters led by Mullah Muhammad Omar on the other side continued for years which led to heavy casualties and Afghans were changed into sacrificial lamb in this endless war.
After years of bloodshed, the war on terror came to a stalemate and Afghan government established a High Peace Council (HPC) in 2010 to pursue a non-violent mechanism through bringing the Taliban to negotiating table. In spite of the fact that Kabul government made great sacrifices in this regard – even the head of HPC professor Burhanuddin Rabbani, a former jihadi leader, was assassinated on 20 September 2011 by a suicide bomber who claimed to represent the Taliban in discussing peace – but the Taliban refused to hold negotiations and kept on their militancy.
Despite signing peace deal with the United States, the Taliban militants have intensified their attacks against the Afghan government.
The tragic aspect of the war in Afghanistan is highly salient since non-combatants sustained heavy casualties within the past two decades as the Taliban are unwilling to declare ceasefire or reduce their violence.
Afghans have called on the Taliban militants to stop violence against the Afghan government, especially as foreign troops are preparing to withdraw from the country, and reduce violence. As consultative Loya Jirga was held to discuss the release of Taliban prisoners, Afghans hope that the Taliban will respect Loya Jirga’s decision and hold talks with the Afghan government. It is evident that the violence and bloodshed will not lead to peace in Afghanistan and the Taliban will not win through the war strategy.